1898 The Shute Arms Hotel, taken from the station. (From Seaton Junction History, by Rick Wood)
1910's? Seaton Junction station. (From Seaton Junction History, by Rick Wood)
1923 Southern Railway M7 Tank to Waterloo. (From Seaton Junction History, by Rick Wood)
1924 Route of the railway line. (From Seaton Junction History, by Rick Wood)
1925-8 Station enlarged, now with four tracks. (From Seaton Junction History, by Rick Wood)
1930's Compliments slip (King George V died in January 1936), showing the Express Creameries at that time: Appleby, Billingshurst, Faringdon, Horam, Rowsley, Frome, Seaton Junction, Leyburn and Brailsford. (Courtesy Keith Sweetland)
1946 Seaton Junction (Courtesy Matthew Pinto) James Ayres (FB) comments "The truck is a Bedford of the W series that was produced from the mid 1930s to the 1950s with a break for the War years. With its 6 cylinder ohv engine it was well-liked as a quick and powerful mover. Back in the 1930s, provided vehicles had two side-lights they were not obliged to have two headlamps. Similar cost-cutting meant that many vehicles had only one mechanical windscreen wiper.""
1948 Graham Sweetland, inscribed G.C. Sweetland, Seaton Junction 10 Year Service badge (Courtesy Keith Sweetland)
1948 Graham Sweetland, inscribed G.C. Sweetland, Seaton Junction 10 Year Service badge (Courtesy Keith Sweetland)
1950's Seaton Junction (Courtesy Allhallows Museum, Honiton)
1950's Seaton Junction (Courtesy Allhallows Museum, Honiton)
1950's Seaton Junction (Courtesy Allhallows Museum, Honiton)
1950's Egg Transport - James Ayres comments "The smaller Bedford, a model A (PUC180) was built from 1953 to 58 with an engine about half the size of the model S.". (Courtesy Keith Sweetland)
1950's Egg Transport - Eggs for London. Keith Sweetland comments "They were collecting eggs, the route was Crediton-Barnstable-Bideford-Holsworthy. There were four of these trucks-after doing the day run they would do a night run meeting a London driver at either Andover or Wincanton. (Courtesy Keith Sweetland)
1950's Egg Transport James Ayres comments "The stately AEC with a coachpainted number over each headlight (2456) is probably a Mercury built during the mid 1950s with a variety of engine options. It was the smallest of the AEC range." Phillip Budd comments "I remember these wagons coming to Crediton, as to what they were doing there I can't remember. The drivers were very friendly guys. We got talking about his lorry, for it seemed there were only two of them on the fleet with this door image. (Courtesy Keith Sweetland)
1950's Egg Transport - Eggs for London. (Courtesy Keith Sweetland)
1950's Egg Transport - Eggs for London. James Ayres explains "The wagon is a Southern Railway design made of planks on a steel frame and roofed with felt. Its loaded weight was 12 tons. The letter N at each end of the frame indicate it was fitted with vacuum brakes. They were not of a standard design so the wagon could not be used for freight by rival companies and had to be returned to the Southern. As this particular unit, the property of the Express Dairy, was probably configured inside to accommodate its fragile load it doubtless spent at least half its life running empty. " (Courtesy Keith Sweetland)
1952 Branch Line signals at Seaton Junction Survey-British Railways Illustrated August Vol 21 No 11 Page 483 (Author John Nicholas)
1952 to 1961 Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents certificates from 1952 to 1961 for members of the Sweetland family at Seaton Junction. (Courtesy Keith Sweetland)
1952 to 1961 Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents certificates from 1952 to 1961 for members of the Sweetland family at Seaton Junction. (Courtesy Keith Sweetland)
1952 to 1961 Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents certificates from 1952 to 1961 for members of the Sweetland family at Seaton Junction. (Courtesy Keith Sweetland)
1952 to 1961 Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents certificates from 1952 to 1961 for members of the Sweetland family at Seaton Junction. (Courtesy Keith Sweetland)
1952 to 1961 Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents certificates from 1952 to 1961 for members of the Sweetland family at Seaton Junction. (Courtesy Keith Sweetland)
1952 to 1961 Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents certificates from 1952 to 1961 for members of the Sweetland family at Seaton Junction. (Courtesy Keith Sweetland)
1952 to 1961 Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents certificates from 1952 to 1961 for members of the Sweetland family at Seaton Junction. (Courtesy Keith Sweetland)
1957 Seaton Junction egg packing station
1957 Seaton Junction egg packing station
1957 Seaton Junction egg packing station - Mrs Elizabeth Harris checking quantities before quality checks start.
1957 Seaton Junction egg packing station
1957 Seaton Junction egg packing station
1957 Seaton Junction egg packing station
1957 Transport Foreman Mr Bill Cox watches Mr Edgar Harding loading eggs into an articulated truck at Seaton Junction
1957 Seaton Junction prizewinners outside the Shute Arms Hotel.(Express News March)
1957 Seaton Junction beauties at the Colyton Carnival - Sheila Edwards, Doreen Moss, Esme Knapman, Brenda Knight, Norma Clarke and Denise James. (Express News March)
1957 Peggy (left) and Doris (right) Wilkins at the Seaton Junction egg depot. Christine Richards comments "That's Peggy and Doris (Wilkins), twins who worked in Honiton Egg depot when I was there. Stayed friends till they both passed away. I was very fond of them, remember Peggy calling people who she could not remember their names Deary, I often think of them now." James Ayres comments "The vehicle in the background is an S-type Bedford tractor unit made by Vauxhall (General Motors) throughout the 1950s. Most often seen in a rigid chassis it was offered with a choice of petrol or diesel engines. The spokes of the ladies' chain-wheels spell a word. 'Triumph' perhaps?
Doris and Peggy Wilkins at Seaton Junction (Courtesy Allhallows Museum, Honiton)
(Courtesy Allhallows Museum, Honiton)
(Courtesy Allhallows Museum, Honiton)
(Courtesy Allhallows Museum, Honiton)
(Courtesy Allhallows Museum, Honiton)
(Courtesy Allhallows Museum, Honiton)
(Courtesy Allhallows Museum, Honiton)
(Courtesy Allhallows Museum, Honiton)
(Courtesy Allhallows Museum, Honiton)
Peggy Wilkins (second from left) at Seaton Junction (Courtesy Allhallows Museum, Honiton)
1950's Seaton Junction (Courtesy Allhallows Museum, Honiton)
(Courtesy Allhallows Museum, Honiton)
(Courtesy Allhallows Museum, Honiton)
(Courtesy Allhallows Museum, Honiton)
(Courtesy Allhallows Museum, Honiton)
(Courtesy Allhallows Museum, Honiton)
(Courtesy Allhallows Museum, Honiton)
(Courtesy Allhallows Museum, Honiton)
1950's Churn Lorries line up at Seaton Junction. John Corah comments "A big fleet of Bedford OL lorries there..." Christopher Bennett adds "Just petrol driven- about 12mpg with the loads they were carrying." (Courtesy Keith Sweetland)
1950's Churn Lorries line up at Seaton Junction (Courtesy Keith Sweetland)
1950's Churn Lorries line up at Seaton Junction (Courtesy Keith Sweetland)
1950's Churn Lorries line up at Seaton Junction (Courtesy Keith Sweetland)
1950's Seaton Junction, Churn Collection(Courtesy Keith Sweetland)
1950's Seaton Junction Produce Delivery (Courtesy Keith Sweetland)
1950's Seaton Junction Produce Delivery (Courtesy Keith Sweetland)
1950's Seaton Junction Churn Collection(Courtesy Keith Sweetland)
1950's Seaton Junction Churn Collection(Courtesy Keith Sweetland)
1950's Seaton Junction Churn Collection(Courtesy Keith Sweetland)
1950's Seaton Junction Churn Collection(Courtesy Keith Sweetland)
1950's Seaton Junction Churn Collection (Courtesy Keith Sweetland)
1950's Seaton Junction Churn Collection Courtesy Keith Sweetland)
1950's Seaton Junction Produce Delivery (Courtesy Keith Sweetland)
1950's Seaton Junction Produce Delivery (Courtesy Keith Sweetland)
1950's Seaton Junction. Keith Sweetland comments "My father, and Ken Davey". Linda Boyland adds "Great photo of our Uncle Graham and Andrew Davey" (Courtesy Keith Sweetland)
(Courtesy Allhallows Museum, Honiton)
Paddy Gillingham comments " the two ladies in the middle are Ray Gillingham (left, my mum) and further left Sylvia Spraugue (Courtesy Allhallows Museum, Honiton)
(Courtesy Allhallows Museum, Honiton)
(Courtesy Allhallows Museum, Honiton)
(Courtesy Allhallows Museum, Honiton)
(Courtesy Allhallows Museum, Honiton)
(Courtesy Allhallows Museum, Honiton)
1950's? Seaton Junction (Courtesy Keith Sweetland)
Peggy Wilkins (left) at Seaton Junction (Courtesy Allhallows Museum, Honiton)
(Courtesy Allhallows Museum, Honiton)
James Ayres comments "The vehicle in the background is an S type Bedford tractor unit made by Vauxhall (General Motors) throughout the 1950s. Most often seen in a rigid chassis it was offered with a choice of petrol or diesel engines." Sue West comments "Is that Colin White?, I believe they are mechanics (hence dirty overalls!)" (Courtesy Allhallows Museum, Honiton)
1950's? Seaton Junction Keith Sweetland comments "Seaton Junction by the ramp which is still in our yard. Thames Traders: Raymond Hooper, John Gillingham, Christine Samson, Owen Harris?, Ralph Wake?, Bill Thatcher?, Gordon White?" Sue West recognises Stan Welch, John Gillingham, George Seaman, Janet and Christine from the Lab. Chrissy Stevens comments "Think that's Mr Gigg 2nd left front row.". Paddy Gillingham comments "The man in the middle at the back, crouching down, is John Gillingham, second on the right crouching down is I think George Seaman."Frances Keene adds "Love this! My Mum is in this pic, right-hand side- Janet Real." John Sanford comments "Ace picture. Ace company" (Courtesy Allhallows Museum, Honiton)
John Pearce comments "My uncle Jack McCormack back row first on left, I still got his Express Dairy donkey jacket." (Courtesy Allhallows Museum, Honiton)
(Courtesy Allhallows Museum, Honiton)
(Courtesy Allhallows Museum, Honiton)
Janet Coles comments "Mrs Cod and Mrs Littley" (Courtesy Allhallows Museum, Honiton)
(Courtesy Allhallows Museum, Honiton)
(Courtesy Allhallows Museum, Honiton)
1950's Egg Collection Truck, Seaton Junction (Courtesy Keith Sweetland)
1950's Seaton Junction Churn Bank and staff (Courtesy Keith Sweetland)
1950's Seaton Junction Churn Collection (Courtesy Keith Sweetland)
1950's? engineering workshop. (Courtesy Keith Sweetland)
1950's Seaton Junction Produce Delivery (Courtesy Keith Sweetland)
1950's scene, in painting by Barry J. Freeman GRA “Heavyweights at Seaton” (From Seaton Junction History, by Rick Wood)
1950's scene, in painting by Frederick Lea GRA, (From Seaton Junction History, by Rick Wood)
1950's scene, in painting by Frederick Lea featuring 35006 “Peninsular & Oriental S.N. Co.” facing towards Exeter(From Seaton Junction History, by Rick Wood)
1950's Seaton pull ‘n’ push train in the branch platform. (From Seaton Junction History, by Rick Wood)
1958 Seaton Junction driver Kenneth Davey saved a trailer load of eggs from fire. (Express News September)
1959 Seaton Junction's annual dinner at the Dolphin Hotel, Beer with Mr W.J. Bond being presented with a safe driving medal. (Express News March)
1960 Flooding at Seaton Junction. (Express News Christmas)
1960 Seaton Junction Dinner at the Dolphin Hotel, Beer, complete with Can-Can dancers! (Express News Spring)
1960's? Seaton Junction station (Courtesy Keith Sweetland)
1960's Seaton Junction Sue West comments "I'm sure that's Mr Smith in the background". Christine Richards comments "When I worked there late 1969 to 1974 they held like a ball in Dolphin Hotel Ball Room. And also they did a evening at the then ABC cinema to see Ken Dodd live, and a trip to Paignton or Torquay to see the Black and White Minstrels with the magnificent Tiller Girls. Any photos of those occasions, long time ago but got wonderful memories still."Outstanding!!! When I worked there late 1969 to 1974 they held like a ball in dolphin hotel ball room when it was open. And also they did a evening at the then ABC cinema to see Ken dod live and a trip to Paignton or torquay to see the black and white minstrels with the magnificent tiller girls. Any photos of thoes occasions, long time ago but got wonderful memories still. (Courtesy Allhallows Museum, Honiton)
1960's Seaton Junction (Courtesy Allhallows Museum, Honiton)
1960's Seaton Junction (Courtesy Allhallows Museum, Honiton)
1960's Seaton Junction (Courtesy Allhallows Museum, Honiton)
1960's Seaton Junction (Courtesy Allhallows Museum, Honiton)
1960's Heather Thatcher comments "Office staff at Seaton Junction, Marie Chubb, Betty Campbell, Sheila Taylor, Anne Dashfield, Mrs.Langfield, Norman Love and Jack Chown not sure of the others!!" (Courtesy Allhallows Museum, Honiton)
1960's Heather Thatcher comments "Robert Smith and Norman Love, Assistant Manager at Seaton Junction." (Courtesy Allhallows Museum, Honiton)
1960's Chrissy Stevens comments "Seaton Junction" (Courtesy Allhallows Museum, Honiton)
1960's Seaton Junction. Bert Moon comments "I remember putting on full churns on the chain that ran in circle, noisy! Started driving HGV with my Dad at Sidbury, went up to Farway, Northleigh, Southleigh." (Courtesy Allhallows Museum, Honiton)
1960's Seaton Junction (Courtesy Allhallows Museum, Honiton)
1960's Seaton Junction (Courtesy Allhallows Museum, Honiton)
1960's Seaton Junction (Courtesy Allhallows Museum, Honiton)
1960's Seaton Junction (Courtesy Allhallows Museum, Honiton)
1960's Seaton Junction (Courtesy Allhallows Museum, Honiton)
1960's Seaton Junction (Courtesy Allhallows Museum, Honiton)
1960's Seaton Junction (Courtesy Allhallows Museum, Honiton)
1960's Seaton Junction (Courtesy Allhallows Museum, Honiton)
1960's Seaton Junction (Courtesy Allhallows Museum, Honiton)
1960's Seaton Junction (Courtesy Allhallows Museum, Honiton)
1960's Seaton Junction (Courtesy Allhallows Museum, Honiton)
1960's Seaton Junction (Courtesy Allhallows Museum, Honiton)
1960's Seaton Junction (Courtesy Allhallows Museum, Honiton)
1960's Seaton Junction (Courtesy Allhallows Museum, Honiton)
1963 Seaton Junction Survey-British Railways Illustrated August Vol 21 No 11 Page 483 (Author John Nicholas)
1963 Seaton Junction, from Cornwall Railway Society - "S15 30842 stands by the signalbox with an interesting train and waits at the down platform. An extremely long footbridge carries a public footpath not only over the four track main line at this location but also over the branch platform. Looking between the front of 30842 and the signalbox the Seaton branch engine, on this occasion 6412, stands at the branch platform. 11th September 1963 Copyright Mike Roach."
1964 Seaton Junction (Courtesy Matthew Pinto) Jane Shepard comments "My Dad did some brick laying on the egg packing factory when I was two or three, about 1950. I remember Dad forgot his sandwiches for lunch so Mum and I caught the train up from Colyton to Seaton Junction and we sat on the embankment eating our lunch - remember like it was yesterday. We used to catch the train to Seaton too, to go to the beach - no bus service to speak of back then."
1964 Frances Keene comments 'Thank you for sharing this,this my mum Janet Real (in foreground around 1964)' (Courtesy Allhallows Museum, Honiton)
1965 All stations to Cricklewood - story of a milk train journey from Seaton Junction to Cricklewood Page 1 (Express News Summer/Autumn)
1965 All stations to Cricklewood - story of a milk train journey from Seaton Junction to Cricklewood Page 3 (Express News Summer/Autumn)
1965 All stations to Cricklewood - story of a milk train journey from Seaton Junction to Cricklewood Page 4 (Express News Summer/Autumn)
1965 "A mechanical glow-worm: an electric hurtles through the night; in the small hours: gathering steam for the last leg at Kensington Olympia' Journey's end: the brightly lit siding of our Cricklewood bottling dairy" (Express News Summer/Autumn)
1965 All stations to Cricklewood - story of a milk train journey from Seaton Junction to Cricklewood Page 2 (Express News Summer/Autumn)
1965 "Starting point: the tree-encrusted pastures of Seaton Junction." (Express News Summer/Autumn)
1965 Seaton Junction. "Piped aboard: 3,000 cool, creamy gallons" (Express News Summer/Autumn)
1965 Seaton Junction. "Minutes to go...and the last job was done. Dairy Foreman Mr Cecil Whiller slotted the last label into the tenth milk tank and straightened his back to look down the length of the train. Each wagon had a capacity of 3,000 gallons — over 29,000 gallons in all." (Express News Summer/Autumn)
1965 "A bird's-eye view of incoming churns at Seaton Junction." Express News Summer/Autumn Back Cover
1970's? Seaton Junction Station, with milk wagons in the sidings. (Courtesy Keith Sweetland)
1995 Seaton Junction Station "This long time closed station, on the line between Axminster & Honiton was, in its heyday, quite a large establishment. A large milk depot, cattle pens, offices and adjacent hotel. The Station was originally named Colyton for Seaton. When the branch to Seaton was opened it was renamed Colyton Junction and subsequently Seaton Junction. There were extensive goods sidings and 4 tracks through the station. Photo by Clive Warneford, CC BY-SA 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=7132813
1960's Seaton Junction Staff (Courtesy Keith Sweetland)
1960's? Seaton Junction casualty (Courtesy Keith Sweetland)
1950's Seaton Junction churn collection (Courtesy Keith Sweetland)
(Courtesy Keith Sweetland)
1950's Seaton Junction Churn Collection (Courtesy Keith Sweetland)
1950's Seaton Junction Churn Collection (Courtesy Keith Sweetland)
1950's Seaton Junction Churn Collection (Courtesy Keith Sweetland)
1950's Seaton Junction Churn Collection (Courtesy Keith Sweetland)
1950's Graham Sweetland and Ken Davey, Seaton Junction (Courtesy Keith Sweetland)
1950's Graham Sweetland, Seaton Junction (Courtesy Keith Sweetland)
1957 Push-pull set no 381 on the branch line. (From Seaton Junction History, by Rick Wood)
1960 Branch Line signals. (From Seaton Junction History, by Rick Wood)
1960's Seaton Junction staff (Courtesy Keith Sweetland)
1960's Seaton Junction staff (Courtesy Keith Sweetland)
1960's Seaton Junction staff (Courtesy Keith Sweetland)
1960's? Seaton Junction, Long Service Dinner(Courtesy Keith Sweetland)
Don Hansford receiving his safe driving award. Don comments "One of many!" (Courtesy Don Hansford-Keith Sweetland)
1960's? Seaton Junction, Long Service Dinner(Courtesy Keith Sweetland)
1963 February, Sidmouth Rd Colyton just above the cemetery, "snow 7 feet deep". Jenny Male comments "...I can name the chaps from the right-Jack Macormick, John Gillingham, David Hurford(farmer), Edgar Smith, Don Hansford and Arthur Rowsewell. I can’t see who’s in the back (Courtesy Don Hansford-Keith Sweetland)
Don Hansford comments "I brought this down from London for Colyton Carnival. Had some strange looks along the A30! It had been built for the Lord Mayors Show". (Courtesy Don Hansford-Keith Sweetland)
(Courtesy Don Hansford-Keith Sweetland)
Don Hansford comments "Raymond Hooper drove this lorry". (Courtesy Don Hansford-Keith Sweetland)
Don Hansford with his lorry. He comments "Gone on to aluminium churns now whoopie!" (Courtesy Don Hansford-Keith Sweetland)
1960's? Milk tanks for loading. (From Seaton Junction History, by Rick Wood)
(Courtesy Don Hansford-Keith Sweetland)
1970/71 Don Hansford comments "Whitford village Hall" (Courtesy Don Hansford-Keith Sweetland)
1961 Express Dairy Seaton Junction Christmas Party, Whitford Village Hall. (Courtesy Keith Sweetland)
1960 Seaton Junction Survey-British Railways Illustrated August Vol 21 No 11 Page 481 (Author John Nicholas)
1962 Seaton Junction. Ian Waldie comments "A photo of me taken by my Dad". (Courtesy Ian Waldie)
1964 Express depot. (From Seaton Junction History, by Rick Wood)
1965 Seaton Junction station from the road. (From Seaton Junction History, by Rick Wood)
1965 Seaton Junction signal box. (From Seaton Junction History, by Rick Wood)
1965 Seaton Junction Survey-British Railways Illustrated August Vol 21 No 11 Page 480 (Author John Nicholas)
1965 Seaton Junction Survey-British Railways Illustrated August Vol 21 No 11 Page 480 (Author John Nicholas)
1967 Exeter Long Service dinner with twins Peggy and Doris Wilkins from Seaton Junction. (Express News Summer)
1968 Planning the new creamery at Honiton
1977 Seaton Junction. Alan Young comments "Up platform which I photographed in August. This station is on the ex-Southern Railway route between Salisbury and Exeter, closed to passengers with several other intermediate stations (and the Seaton branch) in March 1966, but goods continued to be handled here until May 1967. (Courtesy Alan Young)
1980's? Seaton Museum - article (Courtesy Keith Sweetland)
2012 Seaton Junction Survey-British Railways Illustrated August Vol 21 No 11 Pages 476-7(Author John Nicholas)
2012 Seaton Junction Survey-British Railways Illustrated August Vol 21 No 11 Page 478 (Author John Nicholas)
2012 Seaton Junction Survey-British Railways Illustrated August Vol 21 No 11 Page 479 (Author John Nicholas)
2012 Seaton Junction Survey-British Railways Illustrated August Vol 21 No 11 Page 480 (Author John Nicholas)
2012 Seaton Junction Survey-British Railways Illustrated August Vol 21 No 11 Page 481 (Author John Nicholas)
2012 Seaton Junction Survey-British Railways Illustrated August Vol 21 No 11 Page 482 (Author John Nicholas)
2012 Seaton Junction Survey-British Railways Illustrated August Vol 21 No 11 Page 483 (Author John Nicholas)
2012 Seaton Junction Survey-British Railways Illustrated August Vol 21 No 11 Page 484 (Author John Nicholas)
2012 Seaton Junction Survey-British Railways Illustrated August Vol 21 No 11 Page 485 (Author John Nicholas)
2012 Seaton Junction Survey-British Railways Illustrated August Vol 21 No 11 Page 486 (Author John Nicholas)
2012 Seaton Junction Survey-British Railways Illustrated August Vol 21 No 11 Page 487 (Author John Nicholas)
2013 Seaton Junction Railway Station, originally named 'Colyton for Seaton'; the station opened on 19 July 1860 on completion of the Exeter extension of the London and South Western Railway from Yeovil Junction to Exeter Queen Street. With the opening of the Seaton and Beer Railway on 16 March 1868 the name was changed to 'Colyton Junction' before finally becoming 'Seaton Junction' on 18 July 1869. The steady decline in holiday traffic resulting from increased car ownership in the 1960s led to a gradual run down of services and the branch line and junction station closed on 7 March 1966. Taken by Mike Cox, flickr.
2023 Seaton Junction Staff List Page 1
2023 Seaton Junction Staff List Page 2
2023 Seaton Junction Staff List Page 3
2024 Seaton Junction. Matthew Pinto comments "The remains of the old Express Dairy plant, which used to send milk to London by train daily from the late 1930s to the early 1970s. Much of it went to the bottling plant at South Morden." (Courtesy Pete Doel, Railways of Devon and Cornwall FB Group)