1972-3  "Jacky, Myra, sister, Georgina". Ann Worrall identifies Jackie Ford, Myra (Skudra), Christine & Georgina. Sharon Davies comments "It was a sponsored walk, I remember this..." Janice Davies adds They are walking by Pennerley Post Office." (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1972-3 "Jacky, Myra, sister, Georgina". Ann Worrall identifies Jackie Ford, Myra (Skudra), Christine & Georgina. Sharon Davies comments "It was a sponsored walk, I remember this..." Janice Davies adds They are walking by Pennerley Post Office." (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1972-3  Ann Worrall identifies Josie Purslow and Ann Robets in front, Jane Royal & Maureen behind? "We did a 20m sponsored walk for Leukaemia after work." Jo Betts comments "I didn't even recognize myself! The jeans were pink denim flares not red as they look in the pic so it threw me a bit. Think I was about 21.".Matthew Taylor adds "I remember the old buildings on the left. Used to get wooden boxes to make go-cart seats from there. I think it used to be the the old egg packing and dairy."
1972-3 Ann Worrall identifies Josie Purslow and Ann Robets in front, Jane Royal & Maureen behind? "We did a 20m sponsored walk for Leukaemia after work." Jo Betts comments "I didn't even recognize myself! The jeans were pink denim flares not red as they look in the pic so it threw me a bit. Think I was about 21.".Matthew Taylor adds "I remember the old buildings on the left. Used to get wooden boxes to make go-cart seats from there. I think it used to be the the old egg packing and dairy."
1970's "Charlies' Angels" Ann Worrall comments "They were contractors working in Cottage Cheese. Early 1970’s - Jack Simcoe on right, Titch in the middle and possibly Stuart McMinn on the left". AnneDavid Moore adds "Yes, they lodged at my mum and dads house" (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1970's "Charlies' Angels" Ann Worrall comments "They were contractors working in Cottage Cheese. Early 1970’s - Jack Simcoe on right, Titch in the middle and possibly Stuart McMinn on the left". AnneDavid Moore adds "Yes, they lodged at my mum and dads house" (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1972-3 'Ann Worrall comments "Group photo of walkers outside Bath Arms - Linda Phillips next to Maureen. Think her brother (John Phillips) played for Chelsea as goal keeper." She identifies Mrs Barrett, Jackie Price (nee Ford), Jane Royal, Linda ?, Maureen Durnell , Ann Worrall (nee Roberts), ??, Marion, Ann Moore (nee Potter), ??, Gwyneth Swain, Shirley Bishop, Georgina Mansell, Christine Evans?, Myra.
1972-3 'Ann Worrall comments "Group photo of walkers outside Bath Arms - Linda Phillips next to Maureen. Think her brother (John Phillips) played for Chelsea as goal keeper." She identifies Mrs Barrett, Jackie Price (nee Ford), Jane Royal, Linda ?, Maureen Durnell , Ann Worrall (nee Roberts), ??, Marion, Ann Moore (nee Potter), ??, Gwyneth Swain, Shirley Bishop, Georgina Mansell, Christine Evans?, Myra.
June Pinches identifies Dorothy Swain (Jones), Kristine King (Evans), and Kate Williamson (Gittins). Helen Hatton adds "Dorothy Jones on the left, my lovely auntie x" (Joe Lyons Collection)
June Pinches identifies Dorothy Swain (Jones), Kristine King (Evans), and Kate Williamson (Gittins). Helen Hatton adds "Dorothy Jones on the left, my lovely auntie x" (Joe Lyons Collection)
Caroline Bishton identifies "My mum Chris Bishton, her sister Jenny, and my Nan Charlotte Ellis" (Joe Lyons Collection)
Caroline Bishton identifies "My mum Chris Bishton, her sister Jenny, and my Nan Charlotte Ellis" (Joe Lyons Collection)
Carol Bennett identifies Vivian Evans (Hotchkiss) from Pontesbury. (Joe Lyons Collection)
Carol Bennett identifies Vivian Evans (Hotchkiss) from Pontesbury. (Joe Lyons Collection)
1970's "Alan Roberts and wife, Brian Evans and wife, Parish Hall (Joe Lyons Collection)
1970's "Alan Roberts and wife, Brian Evans and wife, Parish Hall (Joe Lyons Collection)
Patrick Taylor identifies Jos Evans, Winnie Carswell, Mrs Skudra third left and Jack Smith, my neighbour for many years. Dawn Balmer also identifies "Winnie Carswell, my Nan, second from right. Jos Evans to her left." (Joe Lyons Collection)
Patrick Taylor identifies Jos Evans, Winnie Carswell, Mrs Skudra third left and Jack Smith, my neighbour for many years. Dawn Balmer also identifies "Winnie Carswell, my Nan, second from right. Jos Evans to her left." (Joe Lyons Collection)
(Joe Lyons Collection)
(Joe Lyons Collection)
Christine Fisher identifies David Harris riding the bike, Caroline Bishton confirms. (Joe Lyons Collection)
Christine Fisher identifies David Harris riding the bike, Caroline Bishton confirms. (Joe Lyons Collection)
1971 Walter Nell presents a gold watch to Cheese Production Manager E.T. Malkin
1971 Walter Nell presents a gold watch to Cheese Production Manager E.T. Malkin
1978 Minsterley Creamery Christmas party, which took place in the factory canteen. Matthew Taylor comments "that's me in the brown tank top, very 70's. Looks like my Mum Daphne Taylor, who worked in the wages office, in the green jumper! (Courtesy: Matthew Taylor)
1978 Minsterley Creamery Christmas party, which took place in the factory canteen. Matthew Taylor comments "that's me in the brown tank top, very 70's. Looks like my Mum Daphne Taylor, who worked in the wages office, in the green jumper! (Courtesy: Matthew Taylor)
1978 Minsterley Creamery Christmas party, which took place in the factory canteen. Matthew Taylor comments "that's me in the brown tank top, very 70's. Looks like my Mum Daphne Taylor, who worked in the wages office, in the green jumper! (Courtesy: Matthew Taylor)
1978 Minsterley Creamery Christmas party, which took place in the factory canteen. Matthew Taylor comments "that's me in the brown tank top, very 70's. Looks like my Mum Daphne Taylor, who worked in the wages office, in the green jumper! (Courtesy: Matthew Taylor)
1980's Minsterley. John Potter comments "Mr Van Hoof and myself, from mid 1980's. We had darts and dominoes Xmas knockouts at our social club, and winners presentations and dinner and dance night. Always well attended and great evenings,"(Courtesy John Potter)
1980's Minsterley. John Potter comments "Mr Van Hoof and myself, from mid 1980's. We had darts and dominoes Xmas knockouts at our social club, and winners presentations and dinner and dance night. Always well attended and great evenings,"(Courtesy John Potter)
198? Minsterley Christmas Party. Kenneth Carswell identifies Tony Bishton and his wife Doreen nee Lakelin (Lavinia Morgan's sister). (Joe Lyons Collection)
198? Minsterley Christmas Party. Kenneth Carswell identifies Tony Bishton and his wife Doreen nee Lakelin (Lavinia Morgan's sister). (Joe Lyons Collection)
198? Minsterley Christmas Party. Lorraine Fletcher says "Aww Auntie Irene (Sayce), wish mum was still alive to see this. A lovely fun lady ❤️" Betty Sayce adds "Malcolm Williams Ahh Lovely Memories 💕" (Joe Lyons Collection)
198? Minsterley Christmas Party. Lorraine Fletcher says "Aww Auntie Irene (Sayce), wish mum was still alive to see this. A lovely fun lady ❤️" Betty Sayce adds "Malcolm Williams Ahh Lovely Memories 💕" (Joe Lyons Collection)
198? Minsterley Christmas Party. Irene Sayce, Anne Davies, also Christine Sayce and Millie Groves? (Joe Lyons Collection)
198? Minsterley Christmas Party. Irene Sayce, Anne Davies, also Christine Sayce and Millie Groves? (Joe Lyons Collection)
198? Minsterley Christmas Party. Barbara Jones,  Doreen Bishton nee Lakelin, Ken Roberts, Graham Bromley (Joe Lyons Collection)
198? Minsterley Christmas Party. Barbara Jones, Doreen Bishton nee Lakelin, Ken Roberts, Graham Bromley (Joe Lyons Collection)
198? Minsterley Christmas Party. Ben Samuels identifies Ron Edwards, Evan Ingram, Harold Ruff, Mary Edwards, Bert Potter (Anne Moore's father). (Joe Lyons Collection)
198? Minsterley Christmas Party. Ben Samuels identifies Ron Edwards, Evan Ingram, Harold Ruff, Mary Edwards, Bert Potter (Anne Moore's father). (Joe Lyons Collection)
198? Minsterley Christmas Party. Dawn Balmer identifies Gill Wilson, Christine Balmer (nee Carswell) and Jennifer Jones in the middle. Stella Trow on right. Stephen Wilson adds "Gill Wilson's husband Dave worked at the creamery for a long time, from mid 70s" (Joe Lyons Collection)
198? Minsterley Christmas Party. Dawn Balmer identifies Gill Wilson, Christine Balmer (nee Carswell) and Jennifer Jones in the middle. Stella Trow on right. Stephen Wilson adds "Gill Wilson's husband Dave worked at the creamery for a long time, from mid 70s" (Joe Lyons Collection)
198? Minsterley Christmas Party. Diane Lewis comments "That is my mum Ivy Andrews/Lord with Mary Edwards; love the picture." John Potter adds 'Bingo' seated. (Joe Lyons Collection)
198? Minsterley Christmas Party. Diane Lewis comments "That is my mum Ivy Andrews/Lord with Mary Edwards; love the picture." John Potter adds 'Bingo' seated. (Joe Lyons Collection)
198? Minsterley Christmas Party. May Jones, 'Bingo's wife. (Joe Lyons Collection)
198? Minsterley Christmas Party. May Jones, 'Bingo's wife. (Joe Lyons Collection)
198? Minsterley Christmas Party. Sharon Davies comments "Its been fabulous seeing all these photos, I can remember as a child going to get the milk off Linda Swain - scared my sister to death! Minsterley was a great village to grow up in; the creamery was the heart of the village." (Joe Lyons Collection)
198? Minsterley Christmas Party. Sharon Davies comments "Its been fabulous seeing all these photos, I can remember as a child going to get the milk off Linda Swain - scared my sister to death! Minsterley was a great village to grow up in; the creamery was the heart of the village." (Joe Lyons Collection)
198? Minsterley Christmas Party. Pete Bromley identifies Graham Bromley and Val Bromley. Dave Jones suggests "Is that David Webster to the left of Val?" (Joe Lyons Collection)
198? Minsterley Christmas Party. Pete Bromley identifies Graham Bromley and Val Bromley. Dave Jones suggests "Is that David Webster to the left of Val?" (Joe Lyons Collection)
198? Minsterley Christmas Party. Ben Samuels comments "Mary Edwards doing the 'twist'". Elaine Pitchford adds "My dad Ken Roberts x" (Joe Lyons Collection)
198? Minsterley Christmas Party. Ben Samuels comments "Mary Edwards doing the 'twist'". Elaine Pitchford adds "My dad Ken Roberts x" (Joe Lyons Collection)
Patrick Taylor identifies Arthur Gurden on the left. Ben Samuels identifies 'Titch Jones' on the right. (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
Patrick Taylor identifies Arthur Gurden on the left. Ben Samuels identifies 'Titch Jones' on the right. (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
Ivan Downes identifies his uncle, Raymond Roberts, front left. Ben Samuels identifiesEsmund Betton, third from left and Glyn Hamer on the right. Anne Williams adds "Les Bailey next to Esmond". Kathryn Purslow identifies Albert Purslow, at the back. (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
Ivan Downes identifies his uncle, Raymond Roberts, front left. Ben Samuels identifiesEsmund Betton, third from left and Glyn Hamer on the right. Anne Williams adds "Les Bailey next to Esmond". Kathryn Purslow identifies Albert Purslow, at the back. (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980 "Tom Jones' retirement party. Patrick Taylor identifies Michael Gurden on the left. Sandra Lewis identifies Ken Trentham in the middle. Ben Samuels identifies Alan Roberts (electrician) on the right. (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980 "Tom Jones' retirement party. Patrick Taylor identifies Michael Gurden on the left. Sandra Lewis identifies Ken Trentham in the middle. Ben Samuels identifies Alan Roberts (electrician) on the right. (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
Ben Samuels recognises Chris Giles and Tom Jones, and Liz Humphreys identifies the Stiperstones Inn. (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
Ben Samuels recognises Chris Giles and Tom Jones, and Liz Humphreys identifies the Stiperstones Inn. (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
Patrick Taylor identifies, L to R, Arthur Jones, Alan Roberts, Pat Taylor, Chris Giles, Mike Mortimer, Mike Roberts, Esmond Betton, Les Bailey, Glyn Hamer (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
Patrick Taylor identifies, L to R, Arthur Jones, Alan Roberts, Pat Taylor, Chris Giles, Mike Mortimer, Mike Roberts, Esmond Betton, Les Bailey, Glyn Hamer (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
Patrick Taylor identifies Joe Lyons, Ken Trentham, and Jesse Rowson (with his back to camera) (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
Patrick Taylor identifies Joe Lyons, Ken Trentham, and Jesse Rowson (with his back to camera) (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1983 Joe Lyons receives 25 Year award for service at Minsterley Creamery. Ric Maurice comments "It's great to see Joe Lyons credited for these lovely photos. I remember Joe as an important member of Rea Valley Camera Club in the 90s. I have a few papers from my membership of RVCC in those days, including a very brief biography that Joe had written with emphasis on his photographic interest." (Joe Lyons Collection)
1983 Joe Lyons receives 25 Year award for service at Minsterley Creamery. Ric Maurice comments "It's great to see Joe Lyons credited for these lovely photos. I remember Joe as an important member of Rea Valley Camera Club in the 90s. I have a few papers from my membership of RVCC in those days, including a very brief biography that Joe had written with emphasis on his photographic interest." (Joe Lyons Collection)
Lavinia Morgan identifies Sue Tuffin nee Roberts. Sue Garner adds "Percy Evans worked in stores" (Joe Lyons Collection)
Lavinia Morgan identifies Sue Tuffin nee Roberts. Sue Garner adds "Percy Evans worked in stores" (Joe Lyons Collection)
1985 (30th October). Joe's retirement. Les Adams identifies, from Left, Les Bailey (knife and fork), Dave Stanley, Pete Davies (Swede), Tony Bishton. (Joe Lyons Collection)
1985 (30th October). Joe's retirement. Les Adams identifies, from Left, Les Bailey (knife and fork), Dave Stanley, Pete Davies (Swede), Tony Bishton. (Joe Lyons Collection)
1985 (30th October). Joe's retirement. Ann Worrall identifies, third from left onwards- Raymond Roberts, Pat Taylor, Adrian Alcock, Mike Roberts. (Joe Lyons Collection)
1985 (30th October). Joe's retirement. Ann Worrall identifies, third from left onwards- Raymond Roberts, Pat Taylor, Adrian Alcock, Mike Roberts. (Joe Lyons Collection)
1985 Albert Purslow's (L) retirement, with Jesse Rowson and Esmond Betton (R)  (Joe Lyons Collection)
1985 Albert Purslow's (L) retirement, with Jesse Rowson and Esmond Betton (R) (Joe Lyons Collection)
1985 Albert Purslow's retirement (Joe Lyons Collection)
1985 Albert Purslow's retirement (Joe Lyons Collection)
1985 Albert Purslow's retirement (Joe Lyons Collection)
1985 Albert Purslow's retirement (Joe Lyons Collection)
1985 Albert Purslow's retirement (Joe Lyons Collection)
1985 Albert Purslow's retirement (Joe Lyons Collection)
Dave Jones identifies Les Bailey, Derek Rowson and Charlie Overton. Gillian Brown adds "My uncle, Derek Rowson." (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
Dave Jones identifies Les Bailey, Derek Rowson and Charlie Overton. Gillian Brown adds "My uncle, Derek Rowson." (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
Lorraine Fletcher sees Arthur Wilding right at the back. Matthew Taylor identifies Alan Roberts, Brian Evans (nickname "Yanto"), Arthur Jones, Pat Taylor and Raymond Roberts, sat along the wall. Jo Betts adds "Albert Purslow on left, with spectacles on." (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
Lorraine Fletcher sees Arthur Wilding right at the back. Matthew Taylor identifies Alan Roberts, Brian Evans (nickname "Yanto"), Arthur Jones, Pat Taylor and Raymond Roberts, sat along the wall. Jo Betts adds "Albert Purslow on left, with spectacles on." (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1985 "Alb's retirement". Jo Betts confirms "Albert Purslow's retirement". Sandra Lewis identifies Ken Trentham, on the left. (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1985 "Alb's retirement". Jo Betts confirms "Albert Purslow's retirement". Sandra Lewis identifies Ken Trentham, on the left. (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
Paul Evans comments "Second and third from the left are my parents- Colin and Audrey Evans" Christine Fisher adds "Joyce Roberts on the right hand side. Mary Evans on the left. (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
Paul Evans comments "Second and third from the left are my parents- Colin and Audrey Evans" Christine Fisher adds "Joyce Roberts on the right hand side. Mary Evans on the left. (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
Sue Higgins comments "What a great photo of my Mum, Mary Evans and my Auntie Joan (Griffiths)" (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
Sue Higgins comments "What a great photo of my Mum, Mary Evans and my Auntie Joan (Griffiths)" (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
Sue Higgins comments "Another one of my Mum, Mary Evans; she did like to party." With Esmund Betton. (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
Sue Higgins comments "Another one of my Mum, Mary Evans; she did like to party." With Esmund Betton. (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
Chris Elmes comments "That was my Dad's favourite coach to drive with me riding shotgun. I have the front numberplate off that coach. And we own the sister coach to it too." Shirley Rowson comments "My Dad (Bill Childs) in the striped tie"  (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
Chris Elmes comments "That was my Dad's favourite coach to drive with me riding shotgun. I have the front numberplate off that coach. And we own the sister coach to it too." Shirley Rowson comments "My Dad (Bill Childs) in the striped tie" (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
Jackie Bebb identifies Margaret Ingram on the left, Rita Evans in the middle. Neal Pugh comments "My mum Della Pugh on the right". Christine Fisher adds "My neighbour for years Margaret Ingram, the lovely Rita Evans, and my lovely auntie Della Pugh. Brilliant picture.(Courtesy Joe Lyons)
Jackie Bebb identifies Margaret Ingram on the left, Rita Evans in the middle. Neal Pugh comments "My mum Della Pugh on the right". Christine Fisher adds "My neighbour for years Margaret Ingram, the lovely Rita Evans, and my lovely auntie Della Pugh. Brilliant picture.(Courtesy Joe Lyons)
Patsy Johnson comments "Ann and Tony Johnson...my parents". Mike Challinor comments "Yes it is me and Jim Wirral on the mike. Edmond Betton sitting down, obviously been playing ‘cos he’s got a sweat on." (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
Patsy Johnson comments "Ann and Tony Johnson...my parents". Mike Challinor comments "Yes it is me and Jim Wirral on the mike. Edmond Betton sitting down, obviously been playing ‘cos he’s got a sweat on." (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
al Pugh comments "Fantastic picture, my beautiful sister Lizzie (Elizabeth nee Carswell, now Williams) and her friend, Sue Hyde" Nicky Pearson and Kim Hyde add "It's my beautiful mum and beautiful godmother".(Courtesy Joe Lyons)
al Pugh comments "Fantastic picture, my beautiful sister Lizzie (Elizabeth nee Carswell, now Williams) and her friend, Sue Hyde" Nicky Pearson and Kim Hyde add "It's my beautiful mum and beautiful godmother".(Courtesy Joe Lyons)
Mark Worrall and Helen Bowkett identify Grandad 'Pop' Worrall, who kept the Bridge Hotel. Ben Samuels identifies Mary Evans, on the right. (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
Mark Worrall and Helen Bowkett identify Grandad 'Pop' Worrall, who kept the Bridge Hotel. Ben Samuels identifies Mary Evans, on the right. (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
The old village hall in the background. Betty Sayce identifies, in the middle, Annie Sayce, my Dad Ron Sayce’s Mum. (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
The old village hall in the background. Betty Sayce identifies, in the middle, Annie Sayce, my Dad Ron Sayce’s Mum. (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
Ben Samuels identifies Joe Lyons and my Uncle Tom Jones.(Courtesy Joe Lyons)
Ben Samuels identifies Joe Lyons and my Uncle Tom Jones.(Courtesy Joe Lyons)
Tracey Garrett comments "Maintenance fitters up to mischief!" Jill Henderson identifies Mike Mortimer, at the back. Lorraine Fletcher identifies Les Bailey, the handsome painter on the right. Others identify Pat Taylor on the left, Micheal Roberts to the right of Esmond Bretton.(Courtesy Joe Lyons)
Tracey Garrett comments "Maintenance fitters up to mischief!" Jill Henderson identifies Mike Mortimer, at the back. Lorraine Fletcher identifies Les Bailey, the handsome painter on the right. Others identify Pat Taylor on the left, Micheal Roberts to the right of Esmond Bretton.(Courtesy Joe Lyons)
Kenneth Carswell identifies Pat Taylor on the left with Chris Giles. Allan Roberts sitting. Monica Corfield identifies Les Bailey, on the right. (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
Kenneth Carswell identifies Pat Taylor on the left with Chris Giles. Allan Roberts sitting. Monica Corfield identifies Les Bailey, on the right. (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
(Courtesy Joe Lyons)
(Courtesy Joe Lyons)
Matthew Taylor comments "I remember Christmas parties in the canteen at Minsterley when I was little". Dave Evans identifies John Betton going through the door on the left, Linda Rodgers with the long hair and me with the hat on his face. (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
Matthew Taylor comments "I remember Christmas parties in the canteen at Minsterley when I was little". Dave Evans identifies John Betton going through the door on the left, Linda Rodgers with the long hair and me with the hat on his face. (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
"Mrs Nancy Carswell, sitting on upturned chair Mr Brian Lakelin (working in carton store). Party at a local pub" (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
"Mrs Nancy Carswell, sitting on upturned chair Mr Brian Lakelin (working in carton store). Party at a local pub" (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
Eve White identifies Ann and Tony Johnston. Derek Pugh adds "Jim Worrell on the microphone". (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
Eve White identifies Ann and Tony Johnston. Derek Pugh adds "Jim Worrell on the microphone". (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
"Janey Carswell". Janet Rogers, nee Carswell confirms. Lauren Pugh comments "Wow, look at Auntie Jan", Jayne Holton also adds "Lovely pic of my auntie Janet!"  (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
"Janey Carswell". Janet Rogers, nee Carswell confirms. Lauren Pugh comments "Wow, look at Auntie Jan", Jayne Holton also adds "Lovely pic of my auntie Janet!" (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
(Courtesy Joe Lyons)
(Courtesy Joe Lyons)
Ben Samuels comments "It's a Cottage Cheese gathering. Val Bromley and Betty Smith at the front." Ivan Downes comments "That's my mum, next to her is Irene Williams, definitely your nan Ali next to mum". Chris Savin on the left. Ali Marshall adds "I think that’s my Nan in the middle, Clara Kinsey". Tony Swain says "Dave Povey first left, George Davies and Fred Hopwood right". Dave Jones identifies Dave Pover back left. (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
Ben Samuels comments "It's a Cottage Cheese gathering. Val Bromley and Betty Smith at the front." Ivan Downes comments "That's my mum, next to her is Irene Williams, definitely your nan Ali next to mum". Chris Savin on the left. Ali Marshall adds "I think that’s my Nan in the middle, Clara Kinsey". Tony Swain says "Dave Povey first left, George Davies and Fred Hopwood right". Dave Jones identifies Dave Pover back left. (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
"Barbara Carswell and Noel Swanick". Courtesy Joe Lyons)
"Barbara Carswell and Noel Swanick". Courtesy Joe Lyons)
Mike Challinor comments "My Mum Clara Kinsey, RIP God Bless her xxx" (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
Mike Challinor comments "My Mum Clara Kinsey, RIP God Bless her xxx" (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
(Courtesy Joe Lyons)
(Courtesy Joe Lyons)
Mary Edwards and Joan Horton. (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
Mary Edwards and Joan Horton. (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
Ben Samuels identifies Jill Hamer, smiling with the vertical striped top, Jean Sockett recognises Dave Hamer on the right. Brian Bennett identifies John Parry, second from right.  (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
Ben Samuels identifies Jill Hamer, smiling with the vertical striped top, Jean Sockett recognises Dave Hamer on the right. Brian Bennett identifies John Parry, second from right. (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
Malcolm Williams identifies Sandra Weston on the extreme left. Doreen and Tony Bishton (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
Malcolm Williams identifies Sandra Weston on the extreme left. Doreen and Tony Bishton (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
Malcolm Williams identifies "Bert Evans on the left". Cheryl Pugh identifies "My beautiful mum Doreen Bishton". Janet Pitcher adds "My Nan and Grandad". Lorraine Fletcher identifies Edna Evans on the right "(my grandad's sister's daughter)". (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
Malcolm Williams identifies "Bert Evans on the left". Cheryl Pugh identifies "My beautiful mum Doreen Bishton". Janet Pitcher adds "My Nan and Grandad". Lorraine Fletcher identifies Edna Evans on the right "(my grandad's sister's daughter)". (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
John Potter identifies Tom Haycocks and his wife Laura, and Wallace Jones and wife Chris. Kim Dillow adds "My Uncle Tom and Aunty Laura Haycocks". (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
John Potter identifies Tom Haycocks and his wife Laura, and Wallace Jones and wife Chris. Kim Dillow adds "My Uncle Tom and Aunty Laura Haycocks". (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
"Pearl and June" Glenys Purslow confirms "Dilys Owen, Pearl, and June Pinches" (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
"Pearl and June" Glenys Purslow confirms "Dilys Owen, Pearl, and June Pinches" (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
Ben Samuels identifies Margaret Downes at the back, on the right. Mary Evans in the red dress, on the right is Irene Williams who worked in the Cottage Cheese department. Tony Swain identifies Betty Manning, first left. Fiona Highcock comments "Think its my Auntie Dorothy Jones nee Swain, second left (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
Ben Samuels identifies Margaret Downes at the back, on the right. Mary Evans in the red dress, on the right is Irene Williams who worked in the Cottage Cheese department. Tony Swain identifies Betty Manning, first left. Fiona Highcock comments "Think its my Auntie Dorothy Jones nee Swain, second left (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
Ben Samuels identifies Margaret Vale and Bob Hamilton. Cathy Evans adds "My lovely dad, miss him". (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
Ben Samuels identifies Margaret Vale and Bob Hamilton. Cathy Evans adds "My lovely dad, miss him". (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
Ben Samuels identifies Tony and Doreen Bishton. (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
Ben Samuels identifies Tony and Doreen Bishton. (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
Monica Corfield identifies June Whittall, nee Lloyd and Olive Booth, nee Whittal. John Potter adds "My two aunties". AnneDavid Moore adds "Ahh June Whittall, I worked with in the bacti lab-a lovely lady" (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
Monica Corfield identifies June Whittall, nee Lloyd and Olive Booth, nee Whittal. John Potter adds "My two aunties". AnneDavid Moore adds "Ahh June Whittall, I worked with in the bacti lab-a lovely lady" (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
(Courtesy Joe Lyons)
(Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1979 David Evans identifies Wallace Jones, with Debbie Llewellyn nee Ruff and Lorraine Fletcher nee Ruff. Lorraine Fletcher comments "I think I’d just turned 16, as soon as I started working in the salon, they didn’t hesitate putting highlights in my hair" (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1979 David Evans identifies Wallace Jones, with Debbie Llewellyn nee Ruff and Lorraine Fletcher nee Ruff. Lorraine Fletcher comments "I think I’d just turned 16, as soon as I started working in the salon, they didn’t hesitate putting highlights in my hair" (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
Ben Samuels comments "Lorraine Goodwin on the right. Dave Jones ...with his face scribbled out.". Mike Hotchkiss adds "Peter Davies, John Bunting and his wife Linda" (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
Ben Samuels comments "Lorraine Goodwin on the right. Dave Jones ...with his face scribbled out.". Mike Hotchkiss adds "Peter Davies, John Bunting and his wife Linda" (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
Christine Fisher identifies Sylvia and Graham Lewis, Janet and Horace Pearse.Gillian Cheshire adds "My mum and dad, Graham and Sylvia Lewis" (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
Christine Fisher identifies Sylvia and Graham Lewis, Janet and Horace Pearse.Gillian Cheshire adds "My mum and dad, Graham and Sylvia Lewis" (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
Ben Samuels identifies Val Bromley on the right, Marj Lakelin. On the left Graham Bromley and Brian Lakelin watching proceedings. (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
Ben Samuels identifies Val Bromley on the right, Marj Lakelin. On the left Graham Bromley and Brian Lakelin watching proceedings. (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
Carol McMillan identifies Lavinia Morgan (Lakelin), Brian and Marjorie Lakelin, and Brian and Sylvia Gardner. Ben Samuels adds "A smiley Lavinia Morgan" Lavinia Morgan replies "Blimey, I can remember that jacket". Lorraine Fletcher says "As a child I absolutely loved Marjorie Lakelin, wonderful memories of their visits to our house." (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
Carol McMillan identifies Lavinia Morgan (Lakelin), Brian and Marjorie Lakelin, and Brian and Sylvia Gardner. Ben Samuels adds "A smiley Lavinia Morgan" Lavinia Morgan replies "Blimey, I can remember that jacket". Lorraine Fletcher says "As a child I absolutely loved Marjorie Lakelin, wonderful memories of their visits to our house." (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
(Courtesy Joe Lyons)
(Courtesy Joe Lyons)
Ben Samuels identifies Dave Ingram and Mary Edwards. (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
Ben Samuels identifies Dave Ingram and Mary Edwards. (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
Diane Lewis identifies, from left, Mary Edwards, Ivy Andrews, Loraine Ingram, Doreen Pugh, Sandra Weston (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
Diane Lewis identifies, from left, Mary Edwards, Ivy Andrews, Loraine Ingram, Doreen Pugh, Sandra Weston (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
(Courtesy Joe Lyons)
(Courtesy Joe Lyons)
Diane Lewis identifies, from left, Mary Edwards/ Crowther, then Ivy. (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
Diane Lewis identifies, from left, Mary Edwards/ Crowther, then Ivy. (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
Jean Forbes identifies this as Minsterley village hall car park, with Callow Crescent in the background. Christine Fisher comments "Looks like Jennie Broadhurst and her mum Charlotte" (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
Jean Forbes identifies this as Minsterley village hall car park, with Callow Crescent in the background. Christine Fisher comments "Looks like Jennie Broadhurst and her mum Charlotte" (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
"Ann Roberts, Mrs Worrall" Ann Worrall comments "OMG… my 18th birthday at Cross Gates Ford. (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
"Ann Roberts, Mrs Worrall" Ann Worrall comments "OMG… my 18th birthday at Cross Gates Ford. (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
Jill Henderson identifies Frank van Hoof with Joe Lyons.(Courtesy Joe Lyons)
Jill Henderson identifies Frank van Hoof with Joe Lyons.(Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1994 Minsterley School Prizegiving-Gemma Lawson (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1994 Minsterley School Prizegiving-Gemma Lawson (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1994 Minsterley School Prizegiving David Evans recognises Bill Rowell, The Vicar. Lavinia Morgan says "My uncle Fran (the man holding the folders)". (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1994 Minsterley School Prizegiving David Evans recognises Bill Rowell, The Vicar. Lavinia Morgan says "My uncle Fran (the man holding the folders)". (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1994 Minsterley School Prizegiving (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1994 Minsterley School Prizegiving (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1994 Minsterley School Prizegiving (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1994 Minsterley School Prizegiving (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1994 Minsterley School Prizegiving. Maxine Scott comments "Kate Poole, can just see you on the edge of the picture". Several people identify Miss Onions as the teacher. Jo Swain Elmes comments "Raymond Smith, such a lovely man". (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1994 Minsterley School Prizegiving. Maxine Scott comments "Kate Poole, can just see you on the edge of the picture". Several people identify Miss Onions as the teacher. Jo Swain Elmes comments "Raymond Smith, such a lovely man". (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1994 Minsterley School Prizegiving (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1994 Minsterley School Prizegiving (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1994 Minsterley School Prizegiving (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1994 Minsterley School Prizegiving (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley British Legion. Lavinia Morgan comments "My sister Cynthia and Graham Jones (brother-in-law)" (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley British Legion. Lavinia Morgan comments "My sister Cynthia and Graham Jones (brother-in-law)" (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley British Legion, Joe Lyons. Elaine Chidley Uttley comments "Great Grandfather to three of my Grandchildren, I love showing them these photos". Phyllis Jones adds "Love this!❤️he was part of our family from the start of the 2nd world war". (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley British Legion, Joe Lyons. Elaine Chidley Uttley comments "Great Grandfather to three of my Grandchildren, I love showing them these photos". Phyllis Jones adds "Love this!❤️he was part of our family from the start of the 2nd world war". (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980 Wendy Haywood, with her sister Janet. (Courtesy Wendy Haywood)
1980 Wendy Haywood, with her sister Janet. (Courtesy Wendy Haywood)
1980 Wendy Haywood, in the front row in the blue dress, with flowers on. (Courtesy Wendy Haywood)
1980 Wendy Haywood, in the front row in the blue dress, with flowers on. (Courtesy Wendy Haywood)
1980's Minsterley British Legion (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley British Legion (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley British Legion. Carol Anne Morris comments "What a great pic of the Standard Bearers looking so proud." (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley British Legion. Carol Anne Morris comments "What a great pic of the Standard Bearers looking so proud." (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley British Legion (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley British Legion (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley British Legion. Irene Stelfox comments "Roy Fox, with the standard, a lovely man, looked after the church clock." Sandra Lewis adds "Loved the RBL Parades in the summer months. Every Sunday we were at one village or another. My Dad (Wilf Overton) is carrying the Shropshire County Standard on the left at the front. I can name a couple of the other Standard bearer's who came from all over the county to these parades." (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley British Legion. Irene Stelfox comments "Roy Fox, with the standard, a lovely man, looked after the church clock." Sandra Lewis adds "Loved the RBL Parades in the summer months. Every Sunday we were at one village or another. My Dad (Wilf Overton) is carrying the Shropshire County Standard on the left at the front. I can name a couple of the other Standard bearer's who came from all over the county to these parades." (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley British Legion. Kath Lewis comments "My Uncle Bill and Aunty Vi; Bill was my dad Jim's brother." Marion Davies adds "Myself (on the right) and Mr Fox, we did the standard flag carrying for many years-it was a Sunday afternoon at one of Minsterley parades." Christine Griffiths says "My Uncle Bill and my Dad's Sister Aunty Vi, lovely picture." (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley British Legion. Kath Lewis comments "My Uncle Bill and Aunty Vi; Bill was my dad Jim's brother." Marion Davies adds "Myself (on the right) and Mr Fox, we did the standard flag carrying for many years-it was a Sunday afternoon at one of Minsterley parades." Christine Griffiths says "My Uncle Bill and my Dad's Sister Aunty Vi, lovely picture." (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley British Legion. Kenneth Carswell identifies William Castree, with the grey suit. Jackie Harper recognises  Bill Johnson. Clarence Evans adds 'Gersham" Jones, front nearest camera" (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley British Legion. Kenneth Carswell identifies William Castree, with the grey suit. Jackie Harper recognises Bill Johnson. Clarence Evans adds 'Gersham" Jones, front nearest camera" (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley British Legion (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley British Legion (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley British Legion (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley British Legion (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley British Legion. Sandra Lewis comments "I wonder how many people realised that, years back, the poppies had to be put together. My Mum and Dad used to do this job for the Hope and Shelve Branch and my Dad used to go and help Church Stoke Branch too!" (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley British Legion. Sandra Lewis comments "I wonder how many people realised that, years back, the poppies had to be put together. My Mum and Dad used to do this job for the Hope and Shelve Branch and my Dad used to go and help Church Stoke Branch too!" (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley British Legion. Sandra Lewis identifies John Pugh from Pontesbury, he was Pontesbury Standard Bearer. With Major Burns. (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley British Legion. Sandra Lewis identifies John Pugh from Pontesbury, he was Pontesbury Standard Bearer. With Major Burns. (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley British Legion. Norma Preece comments "Lovely photo of Dad John Booth with his very good friend Major Burns" (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley British Legion. Norma Preece comments "Lovely photo of Dad John Booth with his very good friend Major Burns" (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley British Legion (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley British Legion (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley British Legion. Kevin Williams comments "My mum Doreen Williams, Emily Williams, Mary Roberts." (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley British Legion. Kevin Williams comments "My mum Doreen Williams, Emily Williams, Mary Roberts." (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley British Legion. Kevin Williams comments "My Dad Les Williams, Emily Williams,?, Barbara Wellings, Jim Davies" (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley British Legion. Kevin Williams comments "My Dad Les Williams, Emily Williams,?, Barbara Wellings, Jim Davies" (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley British Legion. Kevin Williams identifies Daryl Edwards, Evan Ingram, Les Williams, Bob Jones, Jesse Rowson Kevin Williams, Gordon Edwards, Graham Jones, Robin Leheman, Billy (Baldy) Williams, Cliff Davies, Don Rowson, Bill Coombs. (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley British Legion. Kevin Williams identifies Daryl Edwards, Evan Ingram, Les Williams, Bob Jones, Jesse Rowson Kevin Williams, Gordon Edwards, Graham Jones, Robin Leheman, Billy (Baldy) Williams, Cliff Davies, Don Rowson, Bill Coombs. (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley Bowling Club (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley Bowling Club (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley Bowling Club (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley Bowling Club (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley Bowling Club. Kevin Williams identifies Jessie Rowson and Tom Wal. Barry Challinor adds "Uncle Jessie Rowson. The man who kept MBC going for many years." (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley Bowling Club. Kevin Williams identifies Jessie Rowson and Tom Wal. Barry Challinor adds "Uncle Jessie Rowson. The man who kept MBC going for many years." (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley Bowling Club. Malcolm Williams recognises Bert Evans and Rose Davies. (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley Bowling Club. Malcolm Williams recognises Bert Evans and Rose Davies. (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley Bowling Club. Marion Davies identifies Dave and Rose Davies. Phoebe Spragg adds "Dave Nicholas in the middle". (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley Bowling Club. Marion Davies identifies Dave and Rose Davies. Phoebe Spragg adds "Dave Nicholas in the middle". (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley Bowling Club. Rosemary Swain identifies Paul Jones being presented with a trophy. Phoebe Spragg recognises Jessie Rowson on the left. (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley Bowling Club. Rosemary Swain identifies Paul Jones being presented with a trophy. Phoebe Spragg recognises Jessie Rowson on the left. (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley Bowling Club. Monica Corfield and Ben Samuels identify Evan Ingram on the left. Chris Povey on the right, Sharon Hamer says "... look how cute you were". (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley Bowling Club. Monica Corfield and Ben Samuels identify Evan Ingram on the left. Chris Povey on the right, Sharon Hamer says "... look how cute you were". (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley Bowling Club. Lavinia Morgan and Phoebe Spragg comment "Tony Bishton on the right". Kenneth Carswell identifies Jessy Rowson in middle, and Bert Evans on his right. Monica Corfield adds "Evan Ingram on the left." (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley Bowling Club. Lavinia Morgan and Phoebe Spragg comment "Tony Bishton on the right". Kenneth Carswell identifies Jessy Rowson in middle, and Bert Evans on his right. Monica Corfield adds "Evan Ingram on the left." (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley Bowling Club. Andrew Stephens comments "I think this might have been taken on the Bowling Green behind Emlyn Jones butchers shop in Pontesbury? Anna Marie Lawson confirms. Andrew Stephens adds "This is probably from around 1980/1. Recognise the following I think... Dave Povey, Graham Price, Wallace Betton, Bill Lewis, Emlyn Jones,Shaun Miller, Eddie Rees, Andrew Stephens, Colin Morrell, Ray Bourne, Tony Poole, Peter Pierce, Bob Watkin, Charlie Overton, Jane Roberts, Steve Williams". Jen Haigh adds "My Dad, Graham Price, standing 3rd from left." (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley Bowling Club. Andrew Stephens comments "I think this might have been taken on the Bowling Green behind Emlyn Jones butchers shop in Pontesbury? Anna Marie Lawson confirms. Andrew Stephens adds "This is probably from around 1980/1. Recognise the following I think... Dave Povey, Graham Price, Wallace Betton, Bill Lewis, Emlyn Jones,Shaun Miller, Eddie Rees, Andrew Stephens, Colin Morrell, Ray Bourne, Tony Poole, Peter Pierce, Bob Watkin, Charlie Overton, Jane Roberts, Steve Williams". Jen Haigh adds "My Dad, Graham Price, standing 3rd from left." (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley Bowling Club. Lavinia Morgan comments "Tony Bishton again" (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley Bowling Club. Lavinia Morgan comments "Tony Bishton again" (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley Bowling Club. Marion Davies comments "Bob Jones, Burt Evans, Tom Wall, Jean Wall, I think it was one of our dinners in the parish hall" (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley Bowling Club. Marion Davies comments "Bob Jones, Burt Evans, Tom Wall, Jean Wall, I think it was one of our dinners in the parish hall" (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley Bowling Club (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley Bowling Club (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley Bowling Club. Carol Bennett comments "My brother Terry Gray and Bert Evans" (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley Bowling Club. Carol Bennett comments "My brother Terry Gray and Bert Evans" (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley Bowling Club. Kevin Williams identifies Gordon Edwards, Rob Leheman, Bert Evans. (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley Bowling Club. Kevin Williams identifies Gordon Edwards, Rob Leheman, Bert Evans. (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley Bowling Club . Matthew Taylor recognises Robin Lehmann on the left. Marion Davies adds "I think this is Marg Cartwright" Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley Bowling Club . Matthew Taylor recognises Robin Lehmann on the left. Marion Davies adds "I think this is Marg Cartwright" Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley Bowling Club. Marion Davies comments "Just remember Burt Evans & Robin". Dave Hughes adds "Dennis Bright?" (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley Bowling Club. Marion Davies comments "Just remember Burt Evans & Robin". Dave Hughes adds "Dennis Bright?" (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley Bowling Club. Sarah Smith comments "Lady third from the left is my mum - Caroline Jones". John Potter and Marion Davies recognise Bill Childs on the left. Marian adds "with Carline Allan" (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley Bowling Club. Sarah Smith comments "Lady third from the left is my mum - Caroline Jones". John Potter and Marion Davies recognise Bill Childs on the left. Marian adds "with Carline Allan" (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley Bowling Club. Liz Matthews comments "It is so nice to see these old name cropping up. I haven't lived in Minsterley for 36 years and I forget the names but remember faces like Wally Betton, Harold Grayson and Scoobie!!!". Christine Fisher says "My uncle Don Rowson is on this photo. Wallace Betton, Evan Ingram, Harold Hartshorn, Gordon Edwards." Liz Matthew adds "Dave Povey". Malcolm Williams adds "My father in jacket; might be something to do with British legion as he was chairman".(Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley Bowling Club. Liz Matthews comments "It is so nice to see these old name cropping up. I haven't lived in Minsterley for 36 years and I forget the names but remember faces like Wally Betton, Harold Grayson and Scoobie!!!". Christine Fisher says "My uncle Don Rowson is on this photo. Wallace Betton, Evan Ingram, Harold Hartshorn, Gordon Edwards." Liz Matthew adds "Dave Povey". Malcolm Williams adds "My father in jacket; might be something to do with British legion as he was chairman".(Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley Bowling Club. Shaun Watton comments "That is my grandad Arnold Jones, first on the right". Wendy Wilding adds "My dad Harold, he never went to a bowling match without the dog Scooby. And can also see Jesse Rowson and Dennis Lloyd". Liz Matthews recognises Don Rowson, Mary Roberts and Bob Jones. (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley Bowling Club. Shaun Watton comments "That is my grandad Arnold Jones, first on the right". Wendy Wilding adds "My dad Harold, he never went to a bowling match without the dog Scooby. And can also see Jesse Rowson and Dennis Lloyd". Liz Matthews recognises Don Rowson, Mary Roberts and Bob Jones. (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley Bowling Club. Liz Matthews comments "My family home in the background!!" (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley Bowling Club. Liz Matthews comments "My family home in the background!!" (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley Bowling Club. Christine Fisher, Marian Davies and Ally Davies recognise Lorraine Ingram with Gerda Lyons. (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley Bowling Club. Christine Fisher, Marian Davies and Ally Davies recognise Lorraine Ingram with Gerda Lyons. (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley Bowling Club. Malcolm Williams and Sandra Johnson recognise Ken Williams and Emily, and Lee and Pat. (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley Bowling Club. Malcolm Williams and Sandra Johnson recognise Ken Williams and Emily, and Lee and Pat. (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley Bowling Club. Christine Fisher identifies Bert and Edna Evans with Bill Childs on the right, at the end. (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley Bowling Club. Christine Fisher identifies Bert and Edna Evans with Bill Childs on the right, at the end. (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley Bowling Club. Ben Samuels identifies Bob Jones on the right.  (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley Bowling Club. Ben Samuels identifies Bob Jones on the right. (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley Bowling Club. Christine Fisher and Kevin Williams identify Evan Ingram 'leading out'. Liz Matthews and Ben Samuels recognise Marg Cartwright (behind him, long dark hair). (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley Bowling Club. Christine Fisher and Kevin Williams identify Evan Ingram 'leading out'. Liz Matthews and Ben Samuels recognise Marg Cartwright (behind him, long dark hair). (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley Bowling Club (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley Bowling Club (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley Bowling Club (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley Bowling Club (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley Bowling Club (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley Bowling Club (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley Bowling Club. Peter James Nicholls identifies Severnside Bowling Club. Jackie Thomas identifies Sheila Davies left, Wendy Davies right. (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley Bowling Club. Peter James Nicholls identifies Severnside Bowling Club. Jackie Thomas identifies Sheila Davies left, Wendy Davies right. (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley Bowling Club (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley Bowling Club (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley Bowling Club (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley Bowling Club (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley Bowling Club (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley Bowling Club (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley Bowling Club (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley Bowling Club (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley Bowling Club. Lorraine Fletcher comments "Gerda Lyons, Joe's wife taking the envelope, she was a good friend of mums, me and my sister Debbie Llewellyn used to love going to their house for drinks and a look at their beautiful garden; they lived just up the road from us." Harry Evans adds "Robin Lehman with his back to us". Kenneth Carswell adds "Wendy Lakelin, bottom right" and Anthony Gray adds "That's my mum Wendy, was just shocked how young she was and tbh the hair 🤣 (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley Bowling Club. Lorraine Fletcher comments "Gerda Lyons, Joe's wife taking the envelope, she was a good friend of mums, me and my sister Debbie Llewellyn used to love going to their house for drinks and a look at their beautiful garden; they lived just up the road from us." Harry Evans adds "Robin Lehman with his back to us". Kenneth Carswell adds "Wendy Lakelin, bottom right" and Anthony Gray adds "That's my mum Wendy, was just shocked how young she was and tbh the hair 🤣 (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley Bowling Club (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley Bowling Club (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley Bowling Club (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley Bowling Club (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley Bowling Club (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley Bowling Club (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley Bowling Club (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley Bowling Club (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley Bowling Club (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley Bowling Club (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley Bowling Club (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley Bowling Club (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley Bowling Club (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley Bowling Club (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley Bowling Club (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley Bowling Club (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley Bowling Club (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley Bowling Club (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley Bowling Club. Katie Hubbard comments "Uncle Bert & Auntie Edna" (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley Bowling Club. Katie Hubbard comments "Uncle Bert & Auntie Edna" (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley Bowling Club (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley Bowling Club (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley Bowling Club (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley Bowling Club (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley Bowling Club. Christine Fisher comments "My uncle Don Rowson and auntie Gladys, sitting at the back" (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley Bowling Club. Christine Fisher comments "My uncle Don Rowson and auntie Gladys, sitting at the back" (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley Bowling Club. Glenys Purslow comments "Peter Lewis, RIP". Edna Mitchell comments "Peter Lewis' and Daryl and Sonia Harrison, who had the Crown at Minsterley". Ben Samuels identifies Daryl's wife Sonia in the blue dress. Tony Durnell on the right. (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley Bowling Club. Glenys Purslow comments "Peter Lewis, RIP". Edna Mitchell comments "Peter Lewis' and Daryl and Sonia Harrison, who had the Crown at Minsterley". Ben Samuels identifies Daryl's wife Sonia in the blue dress. Tony Durnell on the right. (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley Bowling Club. Kevin Williams comments "Dick Meyrick leading out against Tony Poole, Minsterley Open finals" (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley Bowling Club. Kevin Williams comments "Dick Meyrick leading out against Tony Poole, Minsterley Open finals" (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley Bowling Club. Terry Gray comments "The gentleman with cap is RG Meyrick, four times All England Bowls Champion, from Shrewsbury." Michael Caddick adds "The other two are Michael Gurden (with the black suit), he was the boss at the creamery; and Bert Evans of Minsterley Motors." (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley Bowling Club. Terry Gray comments "The gentleman with cap is RG Meyrick, four times All England Bowls Champion, from Shrewsbury." Michael Caddick adds "The other two are Michael Gurden (with the black suit), he was the boss at the creamery; and Bert Evans of Minsterley Motors." (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley Bowling Club. Ben Samuels identifies Harold Bishton, Bert Evans, ?, Brian Lakelin.Lavinia Morgan comments "Brian Lakelin, my brother." Clive Mansell adds "and Phil Hartshorn." Joanne Winter says "My grandad, Bert Evans"(Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980's Minsterley Bowling Club. Ben Samuels identifies Harold Bishton, Bert Evans, ?, Brian Lakelin.Lavinia Morgan comments "Brian Lakelin, my brother." Clive Mansell adds "and Phil Hartshorn." Joanne Winter says "My grandad, Bert Evans"(Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980 Minsterley Sports Teams (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980 Minsterley Sports Teams (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980 Minsterley Ladies Bowling Club. Tracy Eggby-Jones identifies: Back row - Gerda Lyons, Rachel Downes, Jane Hoofe, Tracy Eggby-Jones, Linda Potter, Marion Davies, Wendy Gray.
1980 Minsterley Ladies Bowling Club. Tracy Eggby-Jones identifies: Back row - Gerda Lyons, Rachel Downes, Jane Hoofe, Tracy Eggby-Jones, Linda Potter, Marion Davies, Wendy Gray.
1986 Minsterley Sports Team. Val Bromley identifies Gerda Lyons, Janice Haycock, Mary Roberts, Caroline Jones, Rose ?, Jane Roberts, Ada Lloyd, Sarah Wortley, ? Mrs Allen, Sylvia Povey, Val Bromley, Lorraine Ingram, Sharon Hamer (nee Povey). Liz Matthews comments "The very small one is Beckie Can, Jane Hoofe's daughter." (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1986 Minsterley Sports Team. Val Bromley identifies Gerda Lyons, Janice Haycock, Mary Roberts, Caroline Jones, Rose ?, Jane Roberts, Ada Lloyd, Sarah Wortley, ? Mrs Allen, Sylvia Povey, Val Bromley, Lorraine Ingram, Sharon Hamer (nee Povey). Liz Matthews comments "The very small one is Beckie Can, Jane Hoofe's daughter." (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980 Minsterley Sports Teams (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980 Minsterley Sports Teams (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980 Minsterley Sports Teams (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980 Minsterley Sports Teams (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980 Minsterley Sports Teams. Malcolm Williams and Tracy Eggby-Jones recognise, from left: Mrs Susie Hartshorne (Harold Hartshorne's wife), Mary Roberts and Mrs Rowson (Don Rowsons wife). (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980 Minsterley Sports Teams. Malcolm Williams and Tracy Eggby-Jones recognise, from left: Mrs Susie Hartshorne (Harold Hartshorne's wife), Mary Roberts and Mrs Rowson (Don Rowsons wife). (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980 Minsterley Sports Teams. Beckie Can identifies Mary Roberts. Hayley Morris suggests "Mum said maybe her 60th?" (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980 Minsterley Sports Teams. Beckie Can identifies Mary Roberts. Hayley Morris suggests "Mum said maybe her 60th?" (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980 Minsterley Sports Teams. Lorraine Fletcher recognises Daryl Edwards, the boy looking moody far right, nice lad. Stuart Speake adds "I see Kev Williams, Stephen Davies and Colin Morgan". Chris Evans also recognises Evan Ingram, in the cap. (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980 Minsterley Sports Teams. Lorraine Fletcher recognises Daryl Edwards, the boy looking moody far right, nice lad. Stuart Speake adds "I see Kev Williams, Stephen Davies and Colin Morgan". Chris Evans also recognises Evan Ingram, in the cap. (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980 Minsterley Sports Teams (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980 Minsterley Sports Teams (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980 Minsterley Sports Teams. Liz Matthews says "I can see Mary Roberts and Val Bromley". (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980 Minsterley Sports Teams. Liz Matthews says "I can see Mary Roberts and Val Bromley". (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980 Minsterley Sports Teams (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980 Minsterley Sports Teams (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980 Minsterley Sports Teams. Kevin Williams recognises Jess Rowson, in the middle of the green. (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980 Minsterley Sports Teams. Kevin Williams recognises Jess Rowson, in the middle of the green. (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980 Minsterley Sports Teams (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980 Minsterley Sports Teams (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980 Minsterley Sports Teams. Kevin Williams identifies Gordon Edwards, bending down. Sharon Davies comments "Think thats Mandy by him". Ben Samuels adds "Tall lad is Martin Jones." (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980 Minsterley Sports Teams. Kevin Williams identifies Gordon Edwards, bending down. Sharon Davies comments "Think thats Mandy by him". Ben Samuels adds "Tall lad is Martin Jones." (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980 Minsterley Sports Teams Sarah Smith says "Back row, second from right - my mum, Caroline Jones". Rebecca Elliott recognises, top row second from the left, "Mary Edward-my Nan". Malcolm Williams identifies Jean Wall, back left." Lisa Ravenscroft recognises Marion Davies [Back row, 1st on right]. (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980 Minsterley Sports Teams Sarah Smith says "Back row, second from right - my mum, Caroline Jones". Rebecca Elliott recognises, top row second from the left, "Mary Edward-my Nan". Malcolm Williams identifies Jean Wall, back left." Lisa Ravenscroft recognises Marion Davies [Back row, 1st on right]. (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980 Minsterley Sports Teams. Jenny Tillier recognises 'Scorcher', Malcolm Williams adds "Darryl Edwards at the back, and Wally Betton, Gordon Edwards." (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1980 Minsterley Sports Teams. Jenny Tillier recognises 'Scorcher', Malcolm Williams adds "Darryl Edwards at the back, and Wally Betton, Gordon Edwards." (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
(Courtesy Joe Lyons)
(Courtesy Joe Lyons)
(Courtesy Joe Lyons)
(Courtesy Joe Lyons)
Rev Michael Hooper. Wikipedia: "Michael Wrenford Hooper (born 2 May 1941) is a retired Anglican bishop in the Church of England who also served as the suffragan Bishop of Ludlow from 2002 to 2009." Lorraine Fletcher comments "...a lovely man. Carol McMillan adds "... married us at Minsterley Church in 1974.". Peter Francis adds "Ended up as a Bishop." (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
Rev Michael Hooper. Wikipedia: "Michael Wrenford Hooper (born 2 May 1941) is a retired Anglican bishop in the Church of England who also served as the suffragan Bishop of Ludlow from 2002 to 2009." Lorraine Fletcher comments "...a lovely man. Carol McMillan adds "... married us at Minsterley Church in 1974.". Peter Francis adds "Ended up as a Bishop." (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
(Courtesy Joe Lyons)
(Courtesy Joe Lyons)
(Courtesy Joe Lyons)
(Courtesy Joe Lyons)
Len Bailey identifies Margery Gornal, on left. (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
Len Bailey identifies Margery Gornal, on left. (Courtesy Joe Lyons)
(Courtesy Joe Lyons)
(Courtesy Joe Lyons)
1995 Social Club Outing to Kinton. Chris Evans comments "My mother in the middle with coats and jackets under her arm-Mary Evans. Never travelled light. Think it's my uncle Don Davies talking to her in the black suit." (Joe Lyons 35mm slides)
1995 Social Club Outing to Kinton. Chris Evans comments "My mother in the middle with coats and jackets under her arm-Mary Evans. Never travelled light. Think it's my uncle Don Davies talking to her in the black suit." (Joe Lyons 35mm slides)
1995 Social Club Outing to Kinton. Brian Bennett recognises Alf Groves, 4th from left. Chris Evans adds "My dad Sid Evans on the right dressed in blue." (Joe Lyons 35mm slides)
1995 Social Club Outing to Kinton. Brian Bennett recognises Alf Groves, 4th from left. Chris Evans adds "My dad Sid Evans on the right dressed in blue." (Joe Lyons 35mm slides)
(Joe Lyons 35mm slides)
(Joe Lyons 35mm slides)
(Joe Lyons 35mm slides)
(Joe Lyons 35mm slides)
1995 Grand Met retirement mystery tour. (Joe Lyons 35mm slides)
1995 Grand Met retirement mystery tour. (Joe Lyons 35mm slides)
1995 Grand Met retirement mystery tour. Ben Samuels identifies Henry Griffiths, third from the left. Dave Jones comments "That’s Cyril Jones at the back". Sandra Lewis adds "Betty his wife is sitting down in front of Ruth Chesters".(Joe Lyons 35mm slides)
1995 Grand Met retirement mystery tour. Ben Samuels identifies Henry Griffiths, third from the left. Dave Jones comments "That’s Cyril Jones at the back". Sandra Lewis adds "Betty his wife is sitting down in front of Ruth Chesters".(Joe Lyons 35mm slides)
(Joe Lyons 35mm slides)
(Joe Lyons 35mm slides)
(Joe Lyons 35mm slides)
(Joe Lyons 35mm slides)
1995 Grand Met retirement mystery tour. (Joe Lyons 35mm slides)
1995 Grand Met retirement mystery tour. (Joe Lyons 35mm slides)
1995 Grand Met retirement mystery tour. (Joe Lyons 35mm slides)
1995 Grand Met retirement mystery tour. (Joe Lyons 35mm slides)
1995 Grand Met retirement mystery tour. (Joe Lyons 35mm slides)
1995 Grand Met retirement mystery tour. (Joe Lyons 35mm slides)
British Legion (Joe Lyons 35mm slides)
British Legion (Joe Lyons 35mm slides)
British Legion (Joe Lyons 35mm slides)
British Legion (Joe Lyons 35mm slides)
British Legion (Joe Lyons 35mm slides)
British Legion (Joe Lyons 35mm slides)
Kerry Jones comments "Aunty Audrey Evans." (Joe Lyons 35mm slides)
Kerry Jones comments "Aunty Audrey Evans." (Joe Lyons 35mm slides)
1995 Darby and Joan Chirk Castle visit. Ben Samuels identifies Jim Davies on the right. Georgina Rawlings-Jones comments "Grandad Cyril [Jones] (on the left)". (Joe Lyons 35mm slides)
1995 Darby and Joan Chirk Castle visit. Ben Samuels identifies Jim Davies on the right. Georgina Rawlings-Jones comments "Grandad Cyril [Jones] (on the left)". (Joe Lyons 35mm slides)
1995 Darby and Joan Chirk Castle visit. Ben Samuels identifies Mrs Holloway, Dorothy Moss and Doreen Williams. Malcolm Williams comments "My mother in the blue coat, Mrs A. Holloway next to her, with I believe Dick Davies". Rachael Lou Lew adds "My Nan and great Nan". Janice Davies comments "Molly Rowson, my Auntie, far right hand side sitting by the wheelchair-she must of been telling them a story looking at her hands as she always used her hands to express what she was telling you, bless her."(Joe Lyons 35mm slides)
1995 Darby and Joan Chirk Castle visit. Ben Samuels identifies Mrs Holloway, Dorothy Moss and Doreen Williams. Malcolm Williams comments "My mother in the blue coat, Mrs A. Holloway next to her, with I believe Dick Davies". Rachael Lou Lew adds "My Nan and great Nan". Janice Davies comments "Molly Rowson, my Auntie, far right hand side sitting by the wheelchair-she must of been telling them a story looking at her hands as she always used her hands to express what she was telling you, bless her."(Joe Lyons 35mm slides)
1995 Minsterley Social Events. Margaret Davies and Budley. Wendy Haywood comments "Mum was a good rounders player, especially when she bought the gold metal rounders bat. I spent many an evening watching her play at Minsterley rounders team. Tracy Eggby-Jones adds "Eileen Bunting (nee Yapp) in the background" (Joe Lyons 35mm slides)"
1995 Minsterley Social Events. Margaret Davies and Budley. Wendy Haywood comments "Mum was a good rounders player, especially when she bought the gold metal rounders bat. I spent many an evening watching her play at Minsterley rounders team. Tracy Eggby-Jones adds "Eileen Bunting (nee Yapp) in the background" (Joe Lyons 35mm slides)"
1995 Minsterley Social Events. Ben Samuels identifies Alf Bloor on the right, facing the camera. (Joe Lyons 35mm slides)
1995 Minsterley Social Events. Ben Samuels identifies Alf Bloor on the right, facing the camera. (Joe Lyons 35mm slides)
1990's Shrewsbury raft race. (Joe Lyons 35mm slides)
1990's Shrewsbury raft race. (Joe Lyons 35mm slides)
(Joe Lyons 35mm slides)
(Joe Lyons 35mm slides)
1995 Minsterley Social Events. Ben Samuels identifies Connie Luther on the right, at the front, and Winnie Carswell opposite her and Doreen Williams with the glasses third from the front on the right. Gemma Cowlishaw comments "Lovely, Winnie was my nan". Ben Samuels added "I worked with your Nan for a while in the Hard Cheese department. She lived opposite my mum in Orchard Drive, Minsterley."  (Joe Lyons 35mm slides)
1995 Minsterley Social Events. Ben Samuels identifies Connie Luther on the right, at the front, and Winnie Carswell opposite her and Doreen Williams with the glasses third from the front on the right. Gemma Cowlishaw comments "Lovely, Winnie was my nan". Ben Samuels added "I worked with your Nan for a while in the Hard Cheese department. She lived opposite my mum in Orchard Drive, Minsterley." (Joe Lyons 35mm slides)
1995 Minsterley Social Events (Joe Lyons 35mm slides)
1995 Minsterley Social Events (Joe Lyons 35mm slides)
1995 Minsterley Social Events. Mary Jones pouring the tea. Kerry Jones adds "Aunty Brenda Jones [front row, first left] and Aunty Bertha, near the back with glasses .(Joe Lyons 35mm slides)
1995 Minsterley Social Events. Mary Jones pouring the tea. Kerry Jones adds "Aunty Brenda Jones [front row, first left] and Aunty Bertha, near the back with glasses .(Joe Lyons 35mm slides)
1995 Minsterley Social Events. Tish Pugh comments "My nan and grandad - Betty & Cyril Jones (Cyril with his feet up and Betty on the left, opposite". Lorraine Fletcher adds "Betty and Cyril, this would be in the days Betty and Cyril visited the salon, I used to babysit Tanya and Shaun. Lovely people." (Joe Lyons 35mm slides)
1995 Minsterley Social Events. Tish Pugh comments "My nan and grandad - Betty & Cyril Jones (Cyril with his feet up and Betty on the left, opposite". Lorraine Fletcher adds "Betty and Cyril, this would be in the days Betty and Cyril visited the salon, I used to babysit Tanya and Shaun. Lovely people." (Joe Lyons 35mm slides)
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