1960's? Large scale map of location of Faringdon Creamery (Courtesy Matthew Pinto)
1910's Faringdon Station and description of goods traffic. Researched by Ian Lee, December 2019. Faringdon & District Archaeological & Historical Society https://www.fdahs.org.uk/railway/
1920's? Faringdon Station, with churns waiting for collection. (Courtesy Memories of Faringdon FB Group)
1930's ? early tanker, Co Reg 129. Matthew Pinto comments "I think the location is Faringdon in Oxfordshire. I believe this was ED's first dispatching creamery; prior to this they bought milk from independent creameries and distributed it." (Courtesy Craig Wells)
1950's Faringdon Market Place on Boxing Day, with Express Tanker making its way through the Berkshire Hunt onlookers. From the Raymond H. Hutt collection, www.fdahs.org.uk
1950's Faringdon Market Place on Boxing Day, with Express Tanker making its way through the Berkshire Hunt onlookers. From the Raymond H. Hutt collection, www.fdahs.org.uk
1950's Faringdon Station. Looking north from the start of the platform towards the end of the line at Park Road, where the dairy was situated. Researched by Ian Lee, December 2019. Faringdon & District Archaeological & Historical Society https://www.fdahs.org.uk/railway/
1950's Faringdon Station from the Raymond H. Hutt collection, www.fdahs.org.uk
1950's Faringdon. Carole Oliver asks "Does anyone know the dairy workers in this photograph? My mum Joyce O'Connell is second from right. (Courtesy Carole Oliver, Memories of Faringdon FB Group)
1953 Faringdon, Gravel Walk. Boffin’s butcher’s shop with the public weighbridge in front. Crossing the junction is Cadel’s milk churn lorry, en-route to the Express Dairy. (Source https://www.fdahs.org.uk/faringdon-streets/park-road/)
1960's? Park Road, Faringdon with the Express Dairy Chimney. (Courtesy https://www.faringdon.org/)
1960's Faringdon. Eileen Tilling (nee Barrett) features in this photo of herself, taken in Marlborough Close. " Lovely seeing the Express Dairy chimney in the background!"
1960's ? view of Faringdon Creamery, with the tall chimney. (Courtesy https://www.faringdon.org/)
1960's Farringdon Creamery, in Park Road. (Courtesy Matthew Pinto)
1965 Faringdon Creamery letters to Mr J. M. Gebbie. (Express News Christmas)
1966 Mr H. G. Laverick appointed to the Express Group Executive Committee. (Express News Autumn & Christmas)
1990's Faringdon. Houses in Station Road (Park Road now) just before demolition. These three houses were known as Lyndhurst, Lorraine and Glen View. From 1946 they were owned by Express Dairy and occupied by Mr & Mrs Harold Turner; Nurse Chapman; followed by Mr & Mrs Allen; Mr & Mrs Fred Rogers. In the 1970's two of the houses were converted into four flats. The site is now part of a car park for the factory estate. (Courtesy Memories of Faringdon FB Group)