1925 Kilmaurs location map, Ordnance Survey of Scotland Popular Edition, Sheet 78 - Kilmarnock and Ayr
1925 Kilmaurs location map, Ordnance Survey of Scotland Popular Edition, Sheet 78 - Kilmarnock and Ayr
1903 Waterside Creamery, near Fenwick. Chic Mitchell comments "All gone now-Rowallan, Kilmaurs and Waterside Creameries. Kilmarnock was a busy industrial town and many villages had there work-places". Ben Boyce adds "I lived in Waterside when the creamery was in operation. The village store, run by Nellie Gibb, was in the creamery grounds. The manager of the creamery was Mr John Wilson". (Courtesy Kilmarnock Picture House FB Group)
1903 Waterside Creamery, near Fenwick. Chic Mitchell comments "All gone now-Rowallan, Kilmaurs and Waterside Creameries. Kilmarnock was a busy industrial town and many villages had there work-places". Ben Boyce adds "I lived in Waterside when the creamery was in operation. The village store, run by Nellie Gibb, was in the creamery grounds. The manager of the creamery was Mr John Wilson". (Courtesy Kilmarnock Picture House FB Group)
Kilmaurs Dairy Association Truck Object No: EAPH677n (Courtesy futuremuseum.co.uk)
Kilmaurs Dairy Association Truck Object No: EAPH677n (Courtesy futuremuseum.co.uk)
Waterside Creamery truck. Hugh Strathearn says "I remember, in the early 70s, Kilmaurs Creamery used it to store cheese, it was great to go over there on a sunny afternoon and load a lorry with cheese." (Courtesy Mark Bone)
Waterside Creamery truck. Hugh Strathearn says "I remember, in the early 70s, Kilmaurs Creamery used it to store cheese, it was great to go over there on a sunny afternoon and load a lorry with cheese." (Courtesy Mark Bone)
1904 The Dairy School for Scotland, Holmes Farm, Kilmarnock, Object No: EAPG025n (Courtesy futuremuseum.co.uk)
1904 The Dairy School for Scotland, Holmes Farm, Kilmarnock, Object No: EAPG025n (Courtesy futuremuseum.co.uk)
Cheese Press used in the village of Kilmaurs. Alan Salt comments "Cast iron presses are seen in farm sales 1820-30's onwards -they became more common with the arrival of the Industrial Revolution, so for years the old stone weight presses were used-some farmers probably kept the old stone presses till the end.  Object EAMA004n (Courtesy futuremuseum.co.uk)
Cheese Press used in the village of Kilmaurs. Alan Salt comments "Cast iron presses are seen in farm sales 1820-30's onwards -they became more common with the arrival of the Industrial Revolution, so for years the old stone weight presses were used-some farmers probably kept the old stone presses till the end. Object EAMA004n (Courtesy futuremuseum.co.uk)
1918 Kilmaurs Creamery broke throughput record, Kilmarnock Herald and North Ayrshire Gazette 12-04-1918. (Courtesy Alan Salt)
1918 Kilmaurs Creamery broke throughput record, Kilmarnock Herald and North Ayrshire Gazette 12-04-1918. (Courtesy Alan Salt)
1926 Kilmaurs creamery won First Prize at London Dairy Show, Ruyton Second.  (Courtesy Alan Salt Western Daily Press)
1926 Kilmaurs creamery won First Prize at London Dairy Show, Ruyton Second. (Courtesy Alan Salt Western Daily Press)
Kilmaurs Creamery. Robert McKillen comments "Mr Lockhart was the manager and I know all the other guys... they were the good days-we made our own fun. Steven Poggi adds "My Grandpa Lockhart was MD there, and my dad worked in the labs, before it was taken over by Express Dairy. Our neighbour, Arthur Otto worked there too." (Courtesy Steven Poggi, Kilmaurs And Stewarton Memories FB Group)
Kilmaurs Creamery. Robert McKillen comments "Mr Lockhart was the manager and I know all the other guys... they were the good days-we made our own fun. Steven Poggi adds "My Grandpa Lockhart was MD there, and my dad worked in the labs, before it was taken over by Express Dairy. Our neighbour, Arthur Otto worked there too." (Courtesy Steven Poggi, Kilmaurs And Stewarton Memories FB Group)
Kilmaurs Creamery. Robert McKillen comments "Mr Lockhart was the manager and I know all the other guys... they were the good days-we made our own fun. Steven Poggi adds "My Grandpa Lockhart was MD there, and my dad worked in the labs, before it was taken over by Express Dairy. Our neighbour, Arthur Otto worked there too." Steven Poggi comments "Alex Lockhart, the manager was my grandpa. My mum was Cecily Lockhart, we lived in Ellishill, Crosshouse Road. My dad Gino Poggi worked there for a time, before he died in 1974. I do remember, as young boy, going into my grandpa's office as you go in on the left. I heard my grandpa could be a hard task master." (Courtesy Steven Poggi, Kilmaurs And Stewarton Memories FB Group)
Kilmaurs Creamery. Robert McKillen comments "Mr Lockhart was the manager and I know all the other guys... they were the good days-we made our own fun. Steven Poggi adds "My Grandpa Lockhart was MD there, and my dad worked in the labs, before it was taken over by Express Dairy. Our neighbour, Arthur Otto worked there too." Steven Poggi comments "Alex Lockhart, the manager was my grandpa. My mum was Cecily Lockhart, we lived in Ellishill, Crosshouse Road. My dad Gino Poggi worked there for a time, before he died in 1974. I do remember, as young boy, going into my grandpa's office as you go in on the left. I heard my grandpa could be a hard task master." (Courtesy Steven Poggi, Kilmaurs And Stewarton Memories FB Group)
Staff at Kilmaurs Creamery. Iain Mccue recognises his mother Bessie Mccue, 5th from the left at the back. Rita Law adds "Jessie Black, middle front." (Courtesy Iain Mccue, Kilmaurs and Stewarton Memories FB Group)
Staff at Kilmaurs Creamery. Iain Mccue recognises his mother Bessie Mccue, 5th from the left at the back. Rita Law adds "Jessie Black, middle front." (Courtesy Iain Mccue, Kilmaurs and Stewarton Memories FB Group)
1955 Kilmaurs Dairy Farmers bottle. John Buchanan MacGilp comments "Presumably from the creamery on Crosshouse road? My grandad worked for them picking up milk, sometimes as far away as Girvan. My dad used to help him when he was at school. (Courtesy Neil Mackenzie, Kilmaurs And Stewarton Memories FB Group)
1955 Kilmaurs Dairy Farmers bottle. John Buchanan MacGilp comments "Presumably from the creamery on Crosshouse road? My grandad worked for them picking up milk, sometimes as far away as Girvan. My dad used to help him when he was at school. (Courtesy Neil Mackenzie, Kilmaurs And Stewarton Memories FB Group)
Kilmaurs ½ pint bottle. Neil Mackenzie comments "Found under the floorboards in a church in Paisley". (Courtesy Neil Mackenzie)
Kilmaurs ½ pint bottle. Neil Mackenzie comments "Found under the floorboards in a church in Paisley". (Courtesy Neil Mackenzie)
Cardboard bottle tops inscribed with the logo of Kilmaurs Dairy Farmers Ltd. Object No : EAGL007n (Courtesy futuremuseum.co.uk)
Cardboard bottle tops inscribed with the logo of Kilmaurs Dairy Farmers Ltd. Object No : EAGL007n (Courtesy futuremuseum.co.uk)
1958 Map of Kilmaurs, showing creamery location. (Courtesy Malcolm Sanders)
1958 Map of Kilmaurs, showing creamery location. (Courtesy Malcolm Sanders)
1961 Advertisement for Kilmaurs Dairy Farmers and their trademark 'Learig' (a ridge left unploughed in a cultivated field) (Courtesy Alan Salt)
1961 Advertisement for Kilmaurs Dairy Farmers and their trademark 'Learig' (a ridge left unploughed in a cultivated field) (Courtesy Alan Salt)
1960's early. Kilmaurs Creamery Laboratory. John Miller comments "My Grandfather and mother are at the back on the left-Charlie and Hope MacConnachie. He told me that he was checking his starter activity for the next day". (Courtesy John Miller)
1960's early. Kilmaurs Creamery Laboratory. John Miller comments "My Grandfather and mother are at the back on the left-Charlie and Hope MacConnachie. He told me that he was checking his starter activity for the next day". (Courtesy John Miller)
Steam Locomotive passing through Kilmaurs station.Object No: EAPH687n (Courtesy futuremuseum.co.uk)
Steam Locomotive passing through Kilmaurs station.Object No: EAPH687n (Courtesy futuremuseum.co.uk)
1965 Kilmaurs. Jenny McKie Simpson comments "My late father in law, William Simpson, worked at Waterside Creamery, then Kilmaurs in the late 60's and early 1970's as dairyman and then cheesemaker. (Courtesy Jenny McKie Simpson)
1965 Kilmaurs. Jenny McKie Simpson comments "My late father in law, William Simpson, worked at Waterside Creamery, then Kilmaurs in the late 60's and early 1970's as dairyman and then cheesemaker. (Courtesy Jenny McKie Simpson)
1973 - Scottish Creameries that were part of Express (Spring - Express News)
1973 - Scottish Creameries that were part of Express (Spring - Express News)
1964 Kilmaurs Station. Jim Gray comments "Kilmaurs station closed with the last train on 5 November 1966 when Willie Cuthbert retired as porter after locking the door for the last time. The station reopened on 12 May 1984 with a brass band playing and the Scout Group supplying teas and coffees. Willie Cuthbert was guest of honour, invited by Strathclyde Passenger Transport and guests received a finger lunch in the Central Hotel. (Courtesy Jim Jones, Kilmaurs And Stewarton Memories FB Group)
1964 Kilmaurs Station. Jim Gray comments "Kilmaurs station closed with the last train on 5 November 1966 when Willie Cuthbert retired as porter after locking the door for the last time. The station reopened on 12 May 1984 with a brass band playing and the Scout Group supplying teas and coffees. Willie Cuthbert was guest of honour, invited by Strathclyde Passenger Transport and guests received a finger lunch in the Central Hotel. (Courtesy Jim Jones, Kilmaurs And Stewarton Memories FB Group)
Old Railway station pre-reopening. My great grandfather John McGilp moved to Kilmaurs in the late 1920's/early 1930's to work for the railway. They lived on Crosshouse Road on the other side of the railway line from the Industrial estate (at that time Creamery). I think the house was nicknamed 'Paddy’s Castle' (Courtesy J John Buchanan MacGilp, Kilmaurs And Stewarton Memories FB Group)
Old Railway station pre-reopening. My great grandfather John McGilp moved to Kilmaurs in the late 1920's/early 1930's to work for the railway. They lived on Crosshouse Road on the other side of the railway line from the Industrial estate (at that time Creamery). I think the house was nicknamed 'Paddy’s Castle' (Courtesy J John Buchanan MacGilp, Kilmaurs And Stewarton Memories FB Group)
1984  "Ticket from the day Kilmaurs Station re-opened". (Roger Griffith, Kilmaurs And Stewarton Memories FB Group)
1984 "Ticket from the day Kilmaurs Station re-opened". (Roger Griffith, Kilmaurs And Stewarton Memories FB Group)
2018 Old Creamery, Kilmaurs, East Ayrshire (Courtesy Wikimedia Commons)
2018 Old Creamery, Kilmaurs, East Ayrshire (Courtesy Wikimedia Commons)
2024 History of Dunlop Cheese. "The end of the 19th century brought the railway into Dunlop, which increased trade and put us in touch with Glasgow. Because of this the farmers began sending their milk directly into Glasgow, which resulted in the decline of cheese making in Dunlop...Dunlop cheese was and is made now at Kilmaurs Creamery a few miles outside of Glasgow." (Courtesy https://clandunlop.com/village-of-dunlop)
2024 History of Dunlop Cheese. "The end of the 19th century brought the railway into Dunlop, which increased trade and put us in touch with Glasgow. Because of this the farmers began sending their milk directly into Glasgow, which resulted in the decline of cheese making in Dunlop...Dunlop cheese was and is made now at Kilmaurs Creamery a few miles outside of Glasgow." (Courtesy https://clandunlop.com/village-of-dunlop)
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