1890's College Farm advert for 'humanised milk". By Appointment to Queen Victoria (died 1901). (Courtesy Express Dairy Memories FB Group)
1890's? (from college-farm.co.uk Instagramture)
1890's? College Farm, Finchley (Courtesy Michael Aldread)
1890's? College Farm, Finchley (Courtesy Michael Aldread)
1890's? College Farm, Finchley (Courtesy Michael Aldread)
1890's? College Farm, Finchley (Courtesy Michael Aldread)
1890's? College Farm, Finchley (Courtesy Michael Aldread)
1890's? College Farm, Finchley (Courtesy Michael Aldread)
1890's? College Farm, Finchley (Courtesy Michael Aldread)
1890's ? College Farm (Courtesy Margaret Kitsiou and Michael Aldread )
1890's College Farm Finchley
1890's College Farm, Finchley - Illustration from 'Milk for the millions'
1893 College Farm Dairy - Illustration from 'Milk for the millions'
1893 College Farm Stack Yard- Illustration from 'Milk for the millions'
1900's ? Alphabetical List of dairies in London selling 'Tuberculin Tested, Jersey and Nursery Milks from its own farms' (Courtesy Dave Fane)
(Courtesy Paul Luke)
1900's - Illustration from 'Milk for the millions'
1900's ? Milk Promotion Advertisement (Courtesy Michael Aldread)
1900's ? College Farm. Rob Shepherd comments "My Dad lived at Kensit Memorial College back in the 1920's, just over on Hendon Lane so the farm etc. was his play area as a kid. Then my Uncle Les “Nobby” Rutherford was a milkman out of the Express Dairy depot that was on the farm at the time. I loved going there when out and about, Mrs Greenway used to take me and David on long walks to there and the 'Naked Lady' statue (I was always disappointed)."
1900's? College Farm/ Frith Manor Farm, Suffolk Punch Team. Elisabeth Torry comments "My Dad, Syd Whatling, worked at College Farm sometimes. He was a farrier based at Frith Manor Farm where we lived from around 1947. There were two horses who lived on the farm. Taffy who looked similar to the ones here and Babs (Ashfield Sensation); they both went to various shows. When there were no longer any horses he worked in the yard at Hendon Quadrant, in the late 50's. I used to pop in on the way home from Kilburn Polytechnic and ask him if I could go out that night, then say to my Mum 'Dad said I could go out'. After that he worked at Tithe Farm. He was a lovely man and great father". (Courtesy Paul Smith)
College Farm, Finchley - Illustrations from 'Milk for the millions'
1880's Clotted Cream Jars, College Farm (Courtesy Mark Hudson)
1881 Very early reference to 'The Express Country Milk Company' in the Jewish Chronical. Sites mentioned include 28 Museum Street, 272 The Strand, Montpelier Vale, Blackheath and College Farm. Rob Leader explains about Kosher milk. In every country that Jewish people live in there is a body that is created to check whether food is Kosher. In Britain it’s the Bethdin. The milk is designated kosher if the production meets religious hygiene standards. Sharon Aminoff Puritz adds "Some orthodox Jews will only drink milk that has been watched over during the whole milking process by an appointed religious overseer (called a Mashgiach). He would basically sit on a chair in the little room next to the milking parlour during the milking. Most kosher observers are content with supervision for Passover milk only. Cow's milk is kosher but camels milk isn't. Sheep milk is, goat is. Just as a point of interest' the only thing produced by a non-kosher animal that we can eat is honey." Jeff Ward adds "My grandmother was an accountant at Express Dairy. She said that the difference between kosher milk and ordinary milk was it was twice the price. The rabbi used to come in, open a bottle, taste it, say a prayer and then they used to label that lot as kosher milk." (Courtesy Hugh Petrie)
College Farm, Finchley
1900's? College Farm advertisement. Tony Colton comments "I love this ad for College Farm, especially the tram fare from Golders Green." Margaret Cox adds "My dad used to take me there to watch cows being milked in 1950’s. I then took my own children there on open days. Lovely place, very fond memories.". Di Lammas mentions "Went there on school trips from Summerside Junior in North Finchley. This was where I first tried yoghurt. It was in small glass jars and came in banana or strawberry. Soon after that Williams Brothers started to stock Ski Yoghurt which came in more flavours and cardboard tubs, but when you got it home there was sometimes mould just under the lid! Products were not dated back then!" (Courtesy Tony Colton)
1910's? Snowy milk round from College Farm. (Courtesy Paul Smith)
1912 The Tea Rooms at College Farm. Kevin Friend comments "By the 1900's the Company believed that the farm was not viable as a real, working farm; in 1909 it was decided to adapt it to become a visitor attraction, buying out the lease on the property of the farm buildings, and retaining a few of the adjacent fields from the original estate. By the 1930's the residue of the farm was surrounded by houses, and was open to the public, with tea rooms and an exhibition of objects related to the dairy industry. In 1973 Express Dairies left the site, and the dairy museum was broken up. The most important function of College Farm was as a public relations exercise and shop window for the whole dairy industry; it was conceived long before the phrase ‘public relations’ had been invented. Its contribution to London’s milk supply had been quite small in quantity but it’s importance was great: as a showplace of all that was newest and best in dairy livestock and equipment." (Courtesy Kevin Friend, FINCHLEY - A TRIP DOWN MEMORY LANE FB Group)
1922 College Farm, Finchley (Courtesy www.britainfromabove.org.uk)
1922 College Farm, Finchley (Courtesy www.britainfromabove.org.uk)
1922 College Farm on Fitzalan Road, Finchley (Courtesy www.britainfromabove.org.uk)
1922 College Farm, Finchley, from the south-east (Courtesy www.britainfromabove.org.uk)
1924 Express Dairy Advertisement for College Farm and horse parades. (Courtesy Raymond King)
1923 Advertisement believed to be used in Finchley - Illustration from 'Milk for the millions'
1920's? Tea cup and saucer, College Farm. (Courtesy Paul Smith)
1920's? College Farm cup and saucer, with College Farm name. (Ebay item for sale)
Bone china cup used at the coffee house and restaurant at Express Dairy's model farm dairy 'College Farm Finchley' North London. (Courtesy Mark Hudson, Real Diggers FB Group)
1920's College Farm (Courtesy Mark Littlefield,)
1920's College Farm (Courtesy Mark Littlefield,)
1920's College Farm (Courtesy Mark Littlefield,)
1920's Milkmaids at College Farm (Courtesy Paul Smith)
1920 College Farm. Mr Nell, just back from the trenches, installed this American bottling machine — a Davis-Watkins — one of the first in the country and manufactured under licence by Arthur G. Enoch. (1960 Picture Set from Express News Christmas edition)
1930 Memories of College Farm. (Express News Autumn 1978)
1921 College Farm. Mavis, one of the Land Army girls who soldiered on at College Farm after the war. (1960 Picture Set from Express News Christmas edition)
1922 College Farm. Grade A milk produced and farm bottled at Finchley. The neck of the bottle was first sealed with a cardboard disc and then an over-lapping paper cap was crimped on top. (1960 Picture Set from Express News Christmas edition)
1924 College Farm (Courtesy Paul Smith)
1925 First seen at the Commercial Motor Show held at Olympia in 1925, Super Sentinel six-tonner no 6029 became Express fleet no 3, YL 29. During its seven-year stay, the recorded expenditure on renovations and repainting amounted to £48, with an engine and chassis overhaul on the second major ‘docking’ in March 1932, recorded at £23 3s 8d. It was traded into Leyland Motors eight months later, realising £30, and it would appear from surviving records that it enjoyed quite a long second life in the Liverpool area. (Courtesy The Express Dairy Motorised Fleet, Allan Bedford, Heritage Machines)
1925 Grooming cows at College Farm (Courtesy Paul Smith)
1928 Milking at College Farm (Courtesy Paul Smith)
1928 Milking at College Farm (Courtesy Paul Smith)
1928 Weighing and recording of milk yields at College Farm (Courtesy Paul Smith)
1928 East Cow Standings at College Farm. Annotation on back of print says "Could you lighten this, particularly the roof, and remove the pail from the left hand side?"(Courtesy Paul Smith)
1929 College Farm, Hampstead Official Guide (Courtesy Mikeyashworth-flickr)
1929 College Farm, Hampstead Official Guide (Courtesy Mikeyashworth-flickr)
1930 College Farm playground (Courtesy Paul Smith)
1940 College Farm (Courtesy Paul Smith)
1950's College Farms Firsts 1883- Mid 20th Century (from college.farm-co.uk profile picture)
1952 'The Express Dairy' Booklet
1954 College Farm Tea Garden. (Express Salesman's Manual Fourth Edition)
1954 College Farm, Finchley. (Express Salesman's Manual Fourth Edition)
1956 Festival of Britain featured Ayrshire calves from College Farm, tended by Harry Woods. (Express News September)
1956 College Farm cow 'Express Viola X' held by dairymaid Phyllis Westgate. (Express News September)
1956 Ayrshires from College Farm enjoy a peaceful graze in the Festival Gardens at Battersea
1958 American George Murray on his College Farm milk round. (Express News September)
1959 the Mayor and Mayoress of Finchley visit College Farm. (Express News October)
1960's Aerial view of College Farm (Courtesy Brian Wastell)
1967 Anne Malone, who usually demonstrates at College Farm, Finchley, with children from Whitehall Infants School in Uxbridge
1967 Anne Malone, who usually demonstrates at College Farm, Finchley, with children from Whitehall Infants School in Uxbridge
1968 Joe Major, ex College Farm and Muswell Hill celebrates his Golden Wedding wih his wife. (Express News Summer)
1970 College Farm museum as backdrop for fashion photography by John Cole, commssioned by Country Life
College Farm, Horse-drawn float. (Courtesy Richard Gaylard)
College Farm Rota Foreman Badge (Courtesy Alan Winter)
College Farm (Courtesy Alan Winter)
College Farm (Courtesy Alan Winter)
College Farm Margaret Kitsiou comments "No date on this photo, but when I worked there from 1963 to 1969 they were let out every spring to spend the summer in the field." (Courtesy Margaret Kitsiou)
1974 College Farm sold
1983 College Farm Finchley celebrates its centenary.
1990 Time Box buried at College Farm, Richard Monk in the background (1990 April Tops Magazine)
2001 'Flashback' article from February Express News, featuring College Farm. (Courtesy Michael Aldread)
2001 'Flashback' article from June Express News. (Courtesy Michael Aldread)
1966 Peggy Fischer remembers her time as milkmaid at College farm from 1922 to 1952 (Express News Autumn & Christmas)
1969 Charles Thompson leaves Express after 23 years, after working at College Farm and then Sheffield as Yorkshire Area Director. Pictured in the centre, with Denis Bell and Tony Gardiner. (Express News Christmas)
1970 William and Nilla Wilson celebrate their Golden Wedding, after retiring from College Farm. (Express News Spring)
1973 College Farm photoshoot. (Express News Autumn)
1970's College Farm Dairy Museum prior to the sale of the site in 1974. (Courtesy Hugh Petrie)
1975 John Travers Clarke announces the sale of College Farm in Finchley, acquisition of Hunt's Dairies of Sherborne, and a bakery business in Rotherham, South Yorkshire. (Express News Spring)
College Farm (Courtesy Barry Monks)
2008 Title Page (Courtesy English Heritage-Heritage at risk, London)
2008 Dairy properties in the at risk category in London. (Courtesy English Heritage-Heritage at risk, London)
2020's College Farm (Courtesy College Farm website)
2020's College Farm (Courtesy College Farm website)
2022 College Farm (Courtesy College Farm FB)
2022 College Farm (Courtesy College Farm FB)
2024 History and Timeline of College Farm (Express Dairy Tales)
2024 History and Timeline of College Farm (Express Dairy Tales)
2024 History and Timeline of College Farm (Express Dairy Tales)
2024 History and Timeline of College Farm (Express Dairy Tales)
2024 History and Timeline of College Farm (Express Dairy Tales)
2024 History and Timeline of College Farm (Express Dairy Tales)
2024 History and Timeline of College Farm (Express Dairy Tales)
2024 History and Timeline of College Farm (Express Dairy Tales)
2024 History and Timeline of College Farm (Express Dairy Tales)