Aerial view of Sanquhar, showing creamery location (Courtesy 'Sanquhar Lass')
Aerial view of Sanquhar, showing creamery location (Courtesy 'Sanquhar Lass')
1959 Independent Dairies Sanquhar Creamery
1959 Independent Dairies Sanquhar Creamery
1959 Independent Dairies joins Express (Express News October)
1959 Independent Dairies joins Express (Express News October)
1959 Independent Dairies joins Express (Express News October)
1959 Independent Dairies joins Express (Express News October)
1959 Independent Dairies joins Express (Express News October)
1959 Independent Dairies joins Express (Express News October)
1959 Independent Dairies joins Express (Express News October)
1959 Independent Dairies joins Express (Express News October)
1955 Cheesemaking at Northern Wholesale Dairies Ltd, Sanquhar. (Courtesy The Scotsman, Johnstone Press)
1955 Cheesemaking at Northern Wholesale Dairies Ltd, Sanquhar. (Courtesy The Scotsman, Johnstone Press)
Sanquhar Creamery. Marion Gate comments"You mention the whey getting separated, here's a photograph of Jimmy Maxwell doing that." (Courtesy Marion Gate)
Sanquhar Creamery. Marion Gate comments"You mention the whey getting separated, here's a photograph of Jimmy Maxwell doing that." (Courtesy Marion Gate)
1955 Weighing cheeses at Northern Wholesale Dairies Ltd, Sanquhar. (Courtesy The Scotsman, Johnstone Press)
1955 Weighing cheeses at Northern Wholesale Dairies Ltd, Sanquhar. (Courtesy The Scotsman, Johnstone Press)
1962 Sanquhar Creamery, employed 70 staff.  (Express News Christmas)
1962 Sanquhar Creamery, employed 70 staff. (Express News Christmas)
1965 Sanquhar Creamery Dance. Helen Page comments "That's my Dad top row, second from right, and my Mum wearing that fur stole!". (Courtesy Helen Page)
1965 Sanquhar Creamery Dance. Helen Page comments "That's my Dad top row, second from right, and my Mum wearing that fur stole!". (Courtesy Helen Page)
1966 Sanquhar manager Mr W. Miller receives Dunlop cheese award at the Scottish Dairy Show. (Express News Summer 1966)
1966 Sanquhar manager Mr W. Miller receives Dunlop cheese award at the Scottish Dairy Show. (Express News Summer 1966)
1967 Sanquhar Creamery
1967 Sanquhar Creamery
1967 Sanquhar Creamery
1967 Sanquhar Creamery
1967 Sanquhar Creamery
1967 Sanquhar Creamery
1967 Sanquhar Creamery
1967 Sanquhar Creamery
1967 Sanquhar Creamery. Dairyhand Mr Hugh Hunter tips the incoming milk; Miss Mary %ott records the weight. At the back, keeping an eye on things, are Manager Mr Bill Miller and Lab Assistant Mrs Anne Shaw. The creamery intake exceeds 30,000 gallons a day.
1967 Sanquhar Creamery. Dairyhand Mr Hugh Hunter tips the incoming milk; Miss Mary %ott records the weight. At the back, keeping an eye on things, are Manager Mr Bill Miller and Lab Assistant Mrs Anne Shaw. The creamery intake exceeds 30,000 gallons a day.
1967 Sanquhar Creamery. After cutting, the curd is cheddared by turning and stacking - a process that helps to extract the whey. Sanquhar boasts eight 2,100-gallon vats. In action here are Miss Hiddleston, Miss Hamilton, Mrs Boyle, Mrs Hollis and Mr David Nelson.
1967 Sanquhar Creamery. After cutting, the curd is cheddared by turning and stacking - a process that helps to extract the whey. Sanquhar boasts eight 2,100-gallon vats. In action here are Miss Hiddleston, Miss Hamilton, Mrs Boyle, Mrs Hollis and Mr David Nelson.
1967 Sanquhar Creamery. Cheesemaker Mr James Brown carries out an acidity test.
1967 Sanquhar Creamery. Cheesemaker Mr James Brown carries out an acidity test.
1967 Sanquhar Creamery. Lab Supervisor Miss Agnes Gray joined in 1943.
1967 Sanquhar Creamery. Lab Supervisor Miss Agnes Gray joined in 1943.
1967 Sanquhar Creamery. Mr David Beck heat-seals and weighs the finished blocks which will later mature in store for anything up to a year.
1967 Sanquhar Creamery. Mr David Beck heat-seals and weighs the finished blocks which will later mature in store for anything up to a year.
Express News Autumn 1967 Back Cover. Mr Tom Biggs was a cheesemaker since 1938 years, and supervised the Cheddar production at Sanquhar.
Express News Autumn 1967 Back Cover. Mr Tom Biggs was a cheesemaker since 1938 years, and supervised the Cheddar production at Sanquhar.
William Miller, Sanquhar manager (Courtesy Douglas Miller, his son)
William Miller, Sanquhar manager (Courtesy Douglas Miller, his son)
1972 Sanquhar manager Bill Miller receives an award for cheese truckles and Cheddar. (Express News Spring)
1972 Sanquhar manager Bill Miller receives an award for cheese truckles and Cheddar. (Express News Spring)
1972 Sanquhar manager Bill Miller wins cheese awards at the Royal Highland Show. (Express News Christmas)
1972 Sanquhar manager Bill Miller wins cheese awards at the Royal Highland Show. (Express News Christmas)
1973 Sanquhar cheesemaker George Nichol receives the Awhirk Challenge Cup at the Royal Highland Show. Bruce Macdonald comments "Lovely man. George went on to be the Head Grader for the Company of Scottish Cheesemakers (name clarified by John Gibson), visiting Priestdykes every week. Always gave us objective and honest feedback. I learned a lot from observing him." (Express News Autumn)
1973 Sanquhar cheesemaker George Nichol receives the Awhirk Challenge Cup at the Royal Highland Show. Bruce Macdonald comments "Lovely man. George went on to be the Head Grader for the Company of Scottish Cheesemakers (name clarified by John Gibson), visiting Priestdykes every week. Always gave us objective and honest feedback. I learned a lot from observing him." (Express News Autumn)
Sanquhar creamery waste outlet pumphouse, into the River Nith. Doug Stewart-McMillan comments "I remember this from my childhood in Sanquhar, especially when the creamery was working. It used to have a waste water outlet pipe into the Nith which used to discharge warm water and it was fantastic when we used to go swimming in that bit of the river. Happy days." (Courtesy Sanquhar Lass)
Sanquhar creamery waste outlet pumphouse, into the River Nith. Doug Stewart-McMillan comments "I remember this from my childhood in Sanquhar, especially when the creamery was working. It used to have a waste water outlet pipe into the Nith which used to discharge warm water and it was fantastic when we used to go swimming in that bit of the river. Happy days." (Courtesy Sanquhar Lass)
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