1954 South Morden Processing 'Express Halt' rail siding. (Stills from Express Dairy Film)
1954 South Morden Processing rail siding. Space for 2 x 7 tanks (14) under cover, and four additional outside. (Stills from Express Dairy Film)
1954 South Morden Processing rail siding. Space for 2 x 7 tanks (14) under cover, and four additional outside. Tanks could be discharged and cleaned from any position. (Stills from Express Dairy Film)
1954 South Morden Processing rail siding. Three additional tanks being shunted outside, with the dairy's own shunting engine. Coal wagons on the left for the boilers, coal-fired at that time. Roger Frost comments "The coal wagons were unloaded with a big hand-held scoop that was pulled along by a winch cable that was controlled by the operator. Hard to describe but very efficient in its operation." (Stills from Express Dairy Film)
1954 South Morden OS Map 1-1250 showing track layout in rail siding. (Courtesy National Library of Scotland)
1954 South Morden Processing shunting engine. Raffaele Ralph Phillips comments "Poor old 'David'; I worked on both shunters whilst employed as a vehicle electrician in the maintenance garage 1970-88." (Stills from Express Dairy Film)
1954 South Morden Processing. Agitating and sampling from a rail tank. (Stills from Express Dairy Film)
1955 South Morden. Jimmy Reid posted this picture, and comments "This is how we got our name from the trains that delivered bulk milk to depots and plants across the country." Colin J Marsden also commented "When I was a young secondman at Waterloo, a regular turn was to go on the Morden Milk, taking a few GW 6-wheel tanks round in the morning and going to fetch them early afternoon after off-loading. Quite often the morning inbound train was worked through by Western men. Over the years I took a number of pictures at the milk terminal and one day one of the older staff came over with a black and white picture taken at the depot in 1955. He said 'you can have this, this is what it was like here in the 50s'. I carefully preserved it and today I've scanned it. I do not know the details of the loco, but he said it was taken the day it was delivered to the facility. (Courtesy Colin J Marsden and Jimmy Reid) Poor quality version also published in Express News July 1956
1955 South Morden opening - Heathcoat Amory and Walter Nell
1955 South Morden brochure (Courtesy Dave Fane)
1956 South Morden station and rail reception. Matthew Pinto comments "Interestingly there appears to be a 50's LMS Stannier full brake coach in one of the dairy sidings. An interesting find so deep into Southern Railway territory." (Courtesy Bill Rudd, Mitcham Historical Society)
1959 Milk delivery schedule by rail
1950's Rail siding at South Morden. Peter Roper comments "Driving it, and its successor, was fun-I did it several times. You had to anticipate the (lack of) braking, especially when shunting full wagons. The two unloading bays took 14 tanks, 7 each side. But on some nights we might receive up to 18. On one famous occasion, a member of staff let it run off the catch points, partly blocking the Wimbledon line 😮. I had to phone the signaller, urgently!!" processing (Courtesy Paul Smith)
1950's? South Morden (From Express Milk for London-John Hosegood)
1960's Morden South (Courtesy Geoff Smith, Flickr)
1960's Wimbledon (Courtesy Geoff Smith, Flickr)
1960's South Morden (Courtesy Geoff Smith, Flickr)
1960's South Morden (Courtesy Geoff Smith, Flickr)
1960's South Morden (Courtesy Geoff Smith, Flickr)
1960's South Morden (Courtesy Geoff Smith, Flickr)
1960's South Morden (Courtesy Geoff Smith, Flickr)
1960's South Morden, lifting tank for use as storage (Courtesy Geoff Smith, Flickr)
1960's Shunter overlooking car park (Courtesy Geoff Smith, Flickr)
1960's? South Morden, Matthew Pinto comments "A Ruston Hornsby 48DS shunter which was resident at Morden from its opening in 1954 to 1972." (Courtesy Richard Gaylard)
1960's South Morden, Express Rail Tank (Courtesy Richard Gaylard)
1960's Shunter looking up rail siding, storage tank now in position (Courtesy Geoff Smith, Flickr)
1963 Morden South (Courtesy Geoff Smith, Flickr)
1964/5 St Helier (Courtesy Geoff Smith, Flickr)
1965 South Morden rail siding, with BR 75078 locomotive. 75078 was built at Swindon in 1956 and as it was built for use on the Southern Region it was fitted with a BR1B tender which had a capacity of 4,725 gallons, because there were no water troughs on the Southern Region. It was equipped with a double chimney in October 1961. (Courtesy Bill Rudd, Mitcham Historical Society)
1965 Morden South (Courtesy Geoff Smith, Flickr)
1965 Morden South (Courtesy Geoff Smith, Flickr)
1965 St Helier (Courtesy Geoff Smith, Flickr)
1966 South Morden. Off the rails-the engine was hauling a load of empties, but jumped the points and effectively sealed off the branch siding to South Morden bottling dairy, and prevented a daily 30,000 gallons from getting through. "Fortunately British Rail are used to such mishaps, no one was hurt and the line was cleared for traffc within 48 hours, allowing the milk tanks through again." (Express News Summer)
1966 South Morden. BR Standard Class 4 Tank 80141 jumped the points with a load of empty tanks, closing the line and siding for 48 hours. (Photographer Sam Jones)
1966 South Morden. BR Standard Class 4 Tank 80141 jumped the points with a load of empty tanks, closing the line and siding for 48 hours. (Photographer Sam Jones)
1966 South Morden. BR Standard Class 4 Tank 80141 jumped the points with a load of empty tanks, closing the line and siding for 48 hours. (Photographer Sam Jones)
1966 South Morden. BR Standard Class 4 Tank 80141 jumped the points with a load of empty tanks, closing the line and siding for 48 hours. (Photographer Sam Jones)
1966 Morden South derailment (Courtesy Geoff Smith, Flickr)
1966 South Morden. BR Standard Class 4 Tank 80141 jumped the points with a load of empty tanks, closing the line and siding for 48 hours. (Photographer Sam Jones)
1966 80141 re-railed. Southern Railway Email Group explains "BR Standard Class 4 Tank. 155 of this class of locomotives were built in Brighton, Derby and Doncaster works between 1951 and 1957 and became general workhorses on all the regions of British Railways, except the Western. Not things of beauty with their somewhat unattractive "rear ends", they were a product of the development by British Railways of a series of twelve "Standard" locomotive designs embracing the best practices of the pre-nationalisation railways. Designed by RA Riddles, British Railways' Chief Mechanical Engineer, these tanks were one of the most successful of the "Standards", doing well all that was asked of them." (Photographer Sam Jones)
1966 Morden South derailment (Courtesy Geoff Smith, Flickr)
1970's? South Morden rail reception - possibly annotated for model-making? (Courtesy Dave Fane)
1970's Hunslet diesel shunter at South Morden rail siding, by refuelling tank
1970's The dairy from Morden South station platform
1970's The dairy from Morden South station platform
1970's South Morden dairy rail siding
1970's IMS tank at South Morden dairy rail siding. Matthew Pinto comments "GWR Diagram 056 in post-nationalisation IMS livery".
1970's South Morden dairy rail siding
1970's South Morden dairy rail siding
1970's South Morden Rail Siding (Courtesy Paul Simm)
1970's South Morden. Matthew Pinto comments "A Hunslet Yardmaster, which replaced the older Ruston Hornsby 48DS shunter in 1972." (Courtesy Richard Gaylard)
1970's South Morden dairy rail siding-'David' by oil storage tank - tanker at end of same siding
1970's Ruston 48DS 235511 in the rail siding, with milk tanks under cover-probably 14 that day as they are stabled right up to the end of the rail reception bay. (Courtesy Geoff Smith)
1970's South Morden-Substantial concrete buffers at the end of the rail siding, with CIP tank above
1970's undercover rail siding (Courtesy Geoff Smith, Flickr)
1970's undercover rail siding (Courtesy Geoff Smith, Flickr)
1970's Lifting old shunter (Courtesy Geoff Smith, Flickr)
1971 South Morden dairy from the station. (Courtesy Robert Carroll)
1972 26th July-Ruston 48DS 235511 being lifted out by crane into the car park to be taken by road to the Ashford Steam Centre. At the early stages of the dairy re-equipment, allowing the rail siding to be used for an ice tank, boiler house, engineering workshop and car park. Possibly Brian Wallis, plant engineer, directing the crane. (Picture believed taken by an Express Dairy employee, courtesy Geoff Smith)
1972 New South Morden Shunting Engine p5
1973 New shunter (Courtesy Geoff Smith, Flickr)
1977 Express Dairy milk tanker W44198 at South Morden with Hunslet 'Yardmaster' DAVID
1977 Milk was still being received by rail, up to 14 3000 gallon tanks could be accomodated under cover, and more outside in the sidings.
1979 Track lifting (Courtesy Geoff Smith, Flickr)
1979 Track lifting (Courtesy Geoff Smith, Flickr)
1979 Track lifting (Courtesy Geoff Smith, Flickr)
1979 Removal of tracks from rail siding (Picture from Sam Jones via Geoff Smith)
1979 Demolition of buffers started (Courtesy Geoff Smith, Flickr)
1979 Removal of tracks from rail siding (Picture from Sam Jones via Geoff Smith)
1979 South Morden - old rail siding prior to construction of new boiler house
1979 old rail siding after track removal. Used temporarily as a car park before conversion to lorry park
1979 Preparation of old rail siding for car and lorry parking. (Picture from Sam Jones via Geoff Smith)
1979 Preparation of old rail siding for car and lorry parking. (Picture from Sam Jones via Geoff Smith)