Ruyton Co-operative Dairy was formed by William Howell Gittins of Hall Farm in 1918. In 1936 the dairy was taken over by Kraft Foods, and in turn Express Foods took over from Kraft in 1954. The Creamery was closed in 1993.

1879-1899 OS Map of Ruyton (Courtesy Tim Gray)

1912 Ruyton Dairy originated at Hall Farm (by the Cross) in 1912, by William Howell Gittings. (Stills from Ruyton Video (Steven Harley))

1930's Ruyton Dairy staff. (Courtesy x, Ruyton Revisited FB Group)

1938 view from Ruyton churchyard looking out over Doctor's Meadow, behind which stands the dairy. The Ruyton Co-operative Dairy was formed by William Howell Gittins, of Hall Farm, in 1918. In 1936, Kraft Foods took over the dairy. (Courtesy John Guest, Ruyton Revisited FB Group)

1939-40 Ruyton Staff, under Kraft Foods. (Courtesy Margaret Lycett, Ruyton Revisited FB Group)

1940's or earlier. Margaret Lycett comments "From the back of the Dairy, School Road runs through the middle of the picture and the buildings on the other side of the road are on the site of what was the Dairy car park, before the Doctor's Meadow development. John Lycettt thinks that the churns are probably filling up with water. Before mains water came to the village in the late 1950's, water in churns was delivered to some houses in the village whose wells had run dry, which I'm told, was due to the Dairy drilling a deep well for their own use much earlier. The sandstone building that still stands is two thirds down on the right hand side of the photo." (Courtesy Margaret Lycett, Ruyton Revisited FB Group)

1940's Kraft Dairy in Ruyton XI Towns-Tec Adams, Wally Walker and Jack Hughes. (Courtesy Margaret Lycett, Chris Edge & Pete and Sue Corfield, Ruyton Revisited FB Group)

1946 Kraft Dairy in Ruyton XI Towns. Annie Peate comments "So lovely to see this picture of George Biggs (my grandad)". Gordon Williams adds "He told me he always liked to work with steam. As they modernised the dairy he operated the boilers by push button controls. I'm his grandson." (Courtesy Margaret Lycett, Chris Edge & Pete and Sue Corfield, Ruyton Revisited FB Group)

1956 Water shortage in Ruyton, and some recent history. (Courtesy Yoland Brown,,

1950's drinking water to the cottages, to be stored in redundant milk churns, but rainwater had to be collected for other uses (Courtesy Yoland Brown)

1959 Water deliveries to Ruyton.Margaret Lycett comments "As I understand it, the water shortage came about in the late 1930's as a result of the borehole at the dairy. Until then most people would probably have pumps. After that, yes, it was the way people had water delivered until mains water came, in the early 1960s, after a reservoir was constructed at Cliffe." Dorothy Needham adds "I understand that when Kraft built the dairy they drilled a new borehole which was so deep that the village boreholes ran dry".(Courtesy Shropshire Star, Memories of Shropshire FB Group)

1940's? Ruyton Cross (Courtesy Oswestry Family & Local History Group (George & Margaret Jones)

1950's? Ruyton Creamery before sale by Kraft Foods to Express Dairy. (Courtesy Yoland Brown,,

1950's Kraft Foods party at Ruyton village hall. (Courtesy Margaret Lycett, Ruyton Revisited FB Group)

1950's Ruyton-looking down over the village from the churchyard area. Val Lythe comments "I joined the Dairy in 1957, this is how l remember it. Happy days at the Dairy, so many wonderful lovely friends." (Courtesy Margaret Lycett & Chris Edge, Ruyton Revisited FB Group)

1950's Ruyton. John Guest commented in October 2022 "Today the village says goodbye to one of it's longest serving residents, aged 95. Alfred Dennis Corfield (always known as Den), was born in Frankwell on 27th December 1926 & was the youngest of 7 children. Whilst working as a bricklayer, Den came to Express Dairy on a job & this would lead to a job opening for him at the dairy, which was the start of his long employment with the Company. When he came to Ruyton, he played for Ruyton Rovers and is pictured here, with the ball, front centre." (Courtesy John Guest, Ruyton Revisited FB Group)

1950s Ruyton Creamery staff. (Courtesy Derek Hughes-Beddoes, Ruyton Revisited FB Group)

1950's? Ruyton staff. First names are left to right: Phyllis, Margery, Bell, Jean, Dorothy (James, nee Roberts), Kitty, Kathleen, Muriel (Beddows). (Courtesy Margaret Lycett and Dorothy James, Ruyton Revisited FB Group)

1957 Preparing for a cheese production film at Ruyton

1957? Ruyton Office staff working then for Express. (Courtesy Margaret Lycett and Dorothy James, Ruyton Revisited FB Group)

1957 Express Ruyton staff. (Courtesy Margaret Lycett, Ruyton Revisited FB Group)

1959 Val Lythe explains "This photo was taken in the Wynstay Hotel, Oswestry. It was the retirement party for Mr Caldwell, manager. l am Valerie Keeler (second row), my sister Joan presented him with flowers. Lovely to see the friends l worked with." (Courtesy Margaret Lycett and Dorothy James (neé Roberts), Ruyton Revisited FB Group)

1959 Whittington win First Prize for Cheddar, with Ruyton second, at the Scottish Dairy Show. (Express News October)

1959 Retirement party of Manager, Mr Caldwell on 14th March 1959. (Courtesy Margaret Lycett and Val Lythe, Ruyton Revisited FB Group)

1959 Retirement party of Manager, Mr Caldwell on 14th March 1959. (Courtesy Margaret Lycett and Val Lythe, Ruyton Revisited FB Group)

1959 Express Ruyton party. (Courtesy Margaret Lycett and Val Lythe, Ruyton Revisited FB Group)

1960's? Ruyton Long Service Dinner. Eileen Smith comments "Harry Davies (my dad) worked there, with Walter Nell, Chairman, standing centre. (Courtesy Eileen Smith, Ruyton Revisited FB Group)

1960's? Ruyton - Dairy laboratory. Morris Lubricants started a village store and candle-making business in this building in 1872, when James Kent Morris moved here. Later, parafin was imported. In 1891, James Kent Morris died in a pony & Trap accident, aged 74 and in 1911 the business moved to Shrewsbury. Soo Rose-Cook comments "This was Express Foods Group Technical offices in the 1980s" (Courtesy Yoland Brown)

1960's? Ruyton Creamery. Kim Hijris comments "Bunch of us played hide and seek in that place...!" Mandy Beale says "My grandad Tom Pitchford worked in the cheese room, as well as my brother Kevin Phillips." Elaine Morris adds "and the field that Benny the Donkey lived in-we could hear him braying in the labs opposite..always made Barb Owen(Penton) laugh!". Glen Whitelegg adds "I miss the dairy, my dad, Ron Goodwin worked there for years and it was like a family." Helen Lovegrove says "Dad did 25 years there". Kay Kynaston comments "I worked there for 7 years with some lovely people." (Courtesy Roger Clark, Ruyton Revisited FB Group)

1960 Ruyton Christmas Party at Morris's Ballroom, Shrewsbury. (Courtesy John Guest, Ruyton Revisited FB Group)

1960 "Ruyton girls attending the wedding of Brenda Lloyd to lvor Jones on March 5th 1960." (Courtesy Margaret Lycett and Val Lythe, Ruyton Revisited FB Group)

1961 Long Service Association Booklet pictures

1961 Long Service Association Booklet pictures

1961 Ruyton Dairy Christmas Party at the Wynnstay Hotel, Oswestry. Val Lythe comments "These are the friends l worked with at the Dairy; happy days l will never forget". (Courtesy Margaret Lycett and Val Lythe, Ruyton Revisited FB Group)

1961 Ruyton Creamery wrapping room, from 'The Kraftsman Magazine'. (Courtesy Margaret Lycett, Ruyton Revisited FB Group)

1961 Ruyton Dairy Christmas Party at the Wynnstay Hotel, Oswestry. Val Lythe comments "These are the friends l worked with at the Dairy; happy days l will never forget". (Courtesy Margaret Lycett and Val Lythe, Ruyton Revisited FB Group)

1962 Ruyton Creamery - rural idyll

1962 Ruyton-The Express Dairy Float. Photo sent by Val Lythe, who recalls spending hours making the paper roses! Sarah Kirk comments "Mum and dad having a fun time!" (Courtesy Margaret Lycett and Val Lythe, Ruyton Revisited FB Group)

1967 Minsterley, Ruyton and Whittington staff at Shrewsbury Long Service Dinner. Julie Peake comments "My grandad's there-Tom Edge" and Annie Peate adds "So lovely to see this picture of George Biggs (my grandad)". Gordon Williams adds "He told me he always liked to work with steam. As they modernised the dairy he operated the boilers by push button controls. I'm his grandson." (Express News Summer)

Ruyton Creamery. (Courtesy Luke Penton, Ruyton Revisited FB Group)

1970's Cheese block wrapping. Chris Wareham comments "Bob McKill in the background, must be Ruyton." (Courtesy Tim Gray)

1970's Ruyton Creamery Visitors Brochure - Management Team: K. Gocher, E. Pierce, Ray Williams, J. Doley, A.M. Farquharson, Bob Mackill and Tom Chadwick. (Courtesy Peter Ellis, Ruyton Revisited FB Group)

1970 Article comparing Ruyton and Whittington sites, ruins of Ruyton castle top right (Courtesy Doreen Williams)

1970 Ruyton (Courtesy Doreen Williams)

1970 Ruyton Lesley Benyon comments "I have been speaking to Ruth Onions, the wife of the late David Onions you have featured in this article! Today (17-07-23) we attended the funeral of Wendy Vaughan (Foster). I worked with many of the people featured!" (Courtesy Doreen Williams)

1970 Ruyton (Courtesy Doreen Williams)

1970 Ruyton Manager Garry Capstick with Assistant Manager Mitch Farquharson. Jean Herzog comments "I am the daughter of Garry Capstick, Manager at Ruyton between 1968 and 1973, though he worked at the Company until it was taken over by Northern Foods. We lived at Ruyton House (where Pentons cold storage now stands) and then at Bawtry which was bought from Express by my parents. I have lived in the village for many years and have many memories of the dairy. My family were also involved in farming in the area and I have very clear memories of my uncle taking churns to the dairy. Dad joined the company in the 1950s. My Grandfather also worked for Express at Appleby." (Courtesy Doreen Williams)

1970 Ruyton Creamery entrance, with laboratory on the right (Courtesy Doreen Williams)

1970 Ruyton Lab Assistant Gwennan Lewis, working for supervisor Ray Williams (Courtesy Doreen Williams)

1970 Ruyton Lab Assistant Gwennan Lewis, working for supervisor Ray Williams (Courtesy Doreen Williams)

1970 Ruyton Milk Checker Wally Walker(Courtesy Doreen Williams)

1970 Ruyton Milk Checker Wally Walker(Courtesy Doreen Williams)

1970 Ruyton-Foreman Fitter Ken Gocher (Courtesy Doreen Williams)

1970 Ruyton-Foreman Fitter Ken Gocher (Courtesy Doreen Williams)

1970 Ruyton Head Cheesemaker Jack Coppenhall. George Downward comments "I worked in the cheese room in 1975; Dad was in the stores and my brother Ken in the lab." (Courtesy Doreen Williams)

1970 Ruyton Head Cheesemaker Jack Coppenhall. George Downward comments "I worked in the cheese room in 1975; Dad was in the stores and my brother Ken in the lab." (Courtesy Doreen Williams)

1970 Ruyton David Onions working in the press room. Caroline Rose Hayes Dean comments "My husband Michael Dean has enjoyed me showing him this as he used to work at the dairy and was a friend of Dave Onions." (Courtesy Doreen Williams)

1970 Ruyton David Onions working in the press room. Caroline Rose Hayes Dean comments "My husband Michael Dean has enjoyed me showing him this as he used to work at the dairy and was a friend of Dave Onions." (Courtesy Doreen Williams)

1970 Ruyton-Storeman Tom Pitchford and Reach Truck Operator Harold Vaughan (Courtesy Doreen Williams)

1970 Ruyton-Storeman Tom Pitchford and Reach Truck Operator Harold Vaughan (Courtesy Doreen Williams)

1970 Ruyton Ivor Jones, one of three boiler attendants. Wife Brenda works in the General Office (Courtesy Doreen Williams)

1970 Ruyton Ivor Jones, one of three boiler attendants. Wife Brenda works in the General Office (Courtesy Doreen Williams)

1970 Ruyton Dairy Foreman Harry Williams (Courtesy Doreen Williams)

1970 Ruyton Dairy Foreman Harry Williams (Courtesy Doreen Williams)

1970 Ruyton Left to Right: Barbara Allen, Mrs Rosemary Jones, Mrs Brenda Jones, Mrs Beryl Williams, Office Manager David Evans and Wendy Vaughan Beryl Williams comments "I loved my time working at the dairy, happy times." (Courtesy Doreen Williams)

1970 Ruyton Left to Right: Barbara Allen, Mrs Rosemary Jones, Mrs Brenda Jones, Mrs Beryl Williams, Office Manager David Evans and Wendy Vaughan Beryl Williams comments "I loved my time working at the dairy, happy times." (Courtesy Doreen Williams)

1972 Development of Ruyton Creamery Page 1'' (Courtesy Yoland Brown,,

1971 Ruyton Dairy news clipping.

1972 Development of Ruyton Creamery Page 2'' (Courtesy Yoland Brown,,

1972 View of the powder store at Express Dairy, Ruyton. (Courtesy Yoland Brown,,

1926 Kilmaurs creamery won First Prize at London Dairy Show, Ruyton Second. (Courtesy Alan Salt Western Daily Press)

1975 Effluent Lagoon at Ruyton, with Charlie Mullineux in the dinghy, Gwennan Jones in the laboratory, and Factory Manager Bob Mackill and engineer Ken Gosher.

1975 Effluent Lagoon at Ruyton, with Charlie Mullineux in the dinghy, Gwennan Jones in the laboratory, and Factory Manager Bob Mackill and engineer Ken Gosher.

1975 Effluent Lagoon at Ruyton, with Charlie Mullineux in the dinghy

1977 History of Ruyton Creamery 'From Small Beginnings' (Courtesy Yoland Brown,,

1977 Ruyton XI Towns

1977 Ruyton XI Towns

1977 Ruyton XI Towns

1977 Ruyton XI Towns

1977 Ruyton XI Towns - Laboratory Assistant Margaret Davies

1977 Ruyton XI Towns

1977 Tom Chadwick, Manager Ruyton

1977 Many surnames from the Express days! Pupils from Ruyton XI Towns were runners up in in a national competition sponsored by The National Heritage Council. 26 children aged 9 to 11 worked on various projects outlining the geography and history of the village. They won a Certificate and a £10 cheque. (Courtesy Margaret Lycett)

1978 Ruyton XI-Towns

1978 Ruyton XI-Towns

1979 Ruyton Creamery - Serious accident when whey silo split open, and staff received serious burns. (Courtesy Yoland Brown,,

1979 Ruyton Creamery - Serious accident when whey silo split open, and staff received serious burns. (Courtesy Yoland Brown,,

1980 Ruyton win first prize for Cheddar at the Nantwich Show. (Express News October)

1981 Cheese for America

1981 Ruyton Elaine Morris comments "I went to Cannington in Somerset, from Ruyton, to do a Dairy control course, also Huw Davies the Liason Chemist came yearly to test us in the Milk lab." Frank Dineen also commented "I was lucky enough to do Dairy Science courses at Cannington College, Bridgewater, receiving the Certificate in Dairying in 1982. It's a shame that the food industry dropped support for these courses. It was a good way to train and develop staff." (Courtesy Elaine Morris)

1982 Ruyton Elaine Morris comments "I went to Cannington in Somerset, from Ruyton, to do a Dairy control course, also Huw Davies the Liason Chemist came yearly to test us in the Milk lab." Frank Dineen also commented "I was lucky enough to do Dairy Science courses at Cannington College, Bridgewater, receiving the Certificate in Dairying in 1982. It's a shame that the food industry dropped support for these courses. It was a good way to train and develop staff." (Courtesy Elaine Morris)

1982 'Remember That Weather in winter 1981/2. Features Crediton, Honiton and Ruyton. (Express News April)

1982 'Remember That Weather in winter 1981/2. Ruyton felt left out from the previous article, so Mrs C Rogers wrote this piece. (Express News April)

1982 Ruyton Creamery table tennis team win trophy, with Gordon Kitt, Bruce Andrews and Gordon's son. (Express News Summer)

1983 Ruyton Packing area

1983 Ruyton Automation

1983 Ruyton Automation

1983 Ruyton Automation

1983 Kevin Wyatt at Ruyton

1983 Ian Davies at Ruyton

1983 Herbie Jennings at Ruyton

1980's Ruyton-memories of creamery fireworks displays. Ray Schaefer comments "One year the fireworks got wet, despite trying to keep them dry with dustbin bags which melted due the heat of the huge fire. It was organised by the Village Hall Commitee. I got the fireworks from a company in Chester. I remember Don Bound, Ray Williams, Barry Gittoes and several others assembling the huge fires and setting up the fireworks. I think the ladies of the Committee arranged the hot-dogs." Colin Gittoes adds "Many a happy memory of helping out.. the one memory that sticks out the most is that with less then an hour to go, the fireworks were finally opened-surprisingly a very wet day, hence not opened beforehand.. and suddenly realising that we needed 12 X 10 foot long wooden stakes to mount things on...after virtually dismantling the bonfire to find them, crisis averted!" (Courtesy John Guest, Ruyton Revisited FB Group)

1983 History of Ruyton Creamery (Courtesy Yoland Brown,,

1984 Complaints about smell from Ruyton Creamery effluent plant. (Courtesy Yoland Brown,,

1985 Ruyton. Quite the scene on Church Street, Ruyton XI Towns, thankfully nobody was injured. The car owner, David Gregory was working at Ruyton Creamery. Steven Harley adds "I was working the weighbridge at the dairy at the time the local police brought the tractor and trailer down to Ruyton weighbrige to weigh the tractor and trailer-he was lot overweight on the weighbridge that day". (Courtesy John Guest, Ruyton Revisited FB Group)

1985 - Ruyton fitter Des Mason attending to the new coal-fired boiler

1985 - Why Express is switching to coal at Ruyton

1985 - Why Express is switching to coal at Ruyton

1985 - Why Express is switching to coal at Ruyton

1985 - Why Express is switching to coal at Ruyton - Raymond Morris at the controls

1986 Ruyton. Stephen Graves comments "I climbed inside the newly erected chimney before it was in service and took some panoramic shots from the top. The last picture shows a handrail upright-I'm sure that would have stopped me falling off! The pictures are overlooking the Cheese and Press Rooms and include the Builders Shop, Engineering Workshop, Stores and Effluent Plant. I worked in the Engineering department at the site from 1982-1993 when it closed. Great Times and Great People." (Courtesy Stephen Graves, Ruyton Revisited FB Group)

1986 Ruyton. Stephen Graves comments "I climbed inside the newly erected chimney before it was in service and took some panoramic shots from the top. The last picture shows a handrail upright-I'm sure that would have stopped me falling off! The pictures are overlooking the Cheese and Press Rooms and include the Builders Shop, Engineering Workshop, Stores and Effluent Plant. I worked in the Engineering department at the site from 1982-1993 when it closed. Great Times and Great People." (Courtesy Stephen Graves, Ruyton Revisited FB Group)

1986 Ruyton. Stephen Graves comments "I climbed inside the newly erected chimney before it was in service and took some panoramic shots from the top. The last picture shows a handrail upright-I'm sure that would have stopped me falling off! The pictures are overlooking the Cheese and Press Rooms and include the Builders Shop, Engineering Workshop, Stores and Effluent Plant. I worked in the Engineering department at the site from 1982-1993 when it closed. Great Times and Great People." (Courtesy Stephen Graves, Ruyton Revisited FB Group)

1988 Niro Spray Drier installation at Ruyton. (Stills from Ruyton Video (Steven Harley))

1988 Ruyton spray drier installation. (August Express News)

1989 Ruyton and Tuxford and Tebbutt receive awards at the International Cheese Show

1989 Ruyton and Minsterley win awards at Nantwich, and Oswestry win award for electricity saving

1989 Ruyton-Quality Assurance Officer, based at Ruyton, advertisement. The late Stuart Cronin took this post. (Courtesy Soo Rose-Cook)

1989 Ruyton raise funds for Comic Relief (Courtesy Beryl Purslove)

1989 Ruyton sponsor Baschurch School production

1989 Ruyton raise funds for Comic Relief (Courtesy Beryl Purslove)

1989 Ruyton raise funds for Comic Relief (Courtesy Beryl Purslove)

1990's Ruyton Milk Reception (Stills from Ruyton Video (Steven Harley))

1990's Ruyton Milk Reception (Stills from Ruyton Video (Steven Harley))

1990's Ruyton Creamery plant - Cheese Room, taken by Stephen Graves who worked in the Maintenance Department. (Courtesy Stephen Graves, Ruyton Revisited FB Group)

1990's Ruyton Creamery plant - Press Room and Mould Filler, taken by Stephen Graves who worked in the Maintenance Department. (Courtesy Stephen Graves, Ruyton Revisited FB Group)

1990's Ruyton Creamery plant - Press Room Palletisers and Vacuum Press, taken by Stephen Graves who worked in the Maintenance Department. (Courtesy Stephen Graves, Ruyton Revisited FB Group)

1990's Ruyton Creamery plant - Press Room Mould Washer, taken by Stephen Graves who worked in the Maintenance Department. (Courtesy Stephen Graves, Ruyton Revisited FB Group)

1990's Ruyton Creamery plant taken by Stephen Graves who worked in the Maintenance Department. (Courtesy Stephen Graves, Ruyton Revisited FB Group)

1990's Ruyton Creamery plant - Whey Evaporator, taken by Stephen Graves who worked in the Maintenance Department. (Courtesy Stephen Graves, Ruyton Revisited FB Group)

1990's Ruyton Creamery plant - Whey Evaporator, taken by Stephen Graves who worked in the Maintenance Department. (Courtesy Stephen Graves, Ruyton Revisited FB Group)

1990's Ruyton Creamery plant - Whey Processing, taken by Stephen Graves who worked in the Maintenance Department. (Courtesy Stephen Graves, Ruyton Revisited FB Group)

1990's Ruyton Starter Room. (Stills from Ruyton Video (Steven Harley))

1990's Ruyton Starter Laboratory. Steven Harley recognises Vic Lovegrove. (Stills from Ruyton Video (Steven Harley))

1990's Ruyton Laboratory. Steven Harley recognises Ken Downwood. (Stills from Ruyton Video (Steven Harley))

1990's Pasteurising Floor (Stills from Ruyton Video (Steven Harley))

1990's Ruyton Alfamatic Plant. (Stills from Ruyton Video (Steven Harley))

1990's Ruyton Alfamatic Plant. (Stills from Ruyton Video (Steven Harley))

1990's Ruyton Alfamatic Plant, before the cheese press. (Stills from Ruyton Video (Steven Harley))

1990's Preparing cheese rounds. (Stills from Ruyton Video (Steven Harley))

1990's Ruyton Whey Separators. (Stills from Ruyton Video (Steven Harley))

1990's Ruyton Whey buttermaking. (Stills from Ruyton Video (Steven Harley))

1990's Ruyton Whey Storage and Processing. (Stills from Ruyton Video (Steven Harley))

1990's Ruyton Niro drier in operation. (Stills from Ruyton Video (Steven Harley))

1990's Ruyton Effluent Plant. (Stills from Ruyton Video (Steven Harley))

1990 Ruyton Battlebus-Express Foods News, Issue 3

1990 Ruyton Creamery. John Guest comments "Many of us long time Ruytonians will remember the dairy car park, as pictured here. This was a great space for myself, and many of the village kids, to race our bikes around and have the odd game of 40-40, hoping that one of the many dairy workers wouldn't tell us off! One of my 'playgrounds', after buying some penny sweets from the nearby Post Office, on School Road." Kim Hijris adds "I remember playing hide and seek around the dairy… god knows how we got away with that… before cameras!!!" Michael Bossen comments "I remember complaints from village residents of churn lorries backing up into the village waiting to be tipped. Had to have a conversation with the management, in my capacity as the MMB AMO." (Courtesy John Guest)

1990 Ruyton helps local charities-Express Foods News, Issue 3

1990 Long Service Dinner at the Albrighton Hall, Shrewsbury for Ruyton staff

1990 Ruyton - Doctor's Meadow before houses were built (Courtesy Yoland Brown)

1990's Ruyton staff prior to 1993 closure (Courtesy Steven Harley)

1993 Ruyton Creamery closure announcement. (Courtesy Yoland Brown,,

1993 Ruyton Creamery closure announcement. (Courtesy Yoland Brown,,

1993 Ruyton Creamery closure announcement. (Courtesy Yoland Brown,,

1993 Ruyton Creamery closure announcement. (Courtesy Yoland Brown,,

1993 Steve Harley's presentation video about Ruyton Creamery

1993 Long service awards night at Express Ruyton. Angela Dawn Davies comments "I was an apprentice in the office and Nesta Clark was my main mentor-she was amazing as was everyone else in the office. Was a great first job." (Courtesy Margaret Lycett, Ruyton Revisited FB Group)

1993 Long service awards night at Express Ruyton, with Nesta Clark receiving her 20-year award. Dai Williams identifies Nesta's husband Vernon on the left, and Jeremy Quested, Director-of Operations, on the right. Angela Dawn Davies comments "I was an apprentice in the office and Nesta Clark was my main mentor-she was amazing as was everyone else in the office. Was a great first job." (Courtesy Margaret Lycett, Ruyton Revisited FB Group)

1993 Long service awards night at Express Ruyton, with Vernon and Nesta Clark with Mary and Ted Jones. (Courtesy Margaret Lycett, Ruyton Revisited FB Group)

1993 Long service awards night at Express Ruyton, with Phil Taylor, Pete Jones Jnr, Bill Lloyd, Jim Muldoon, Roger Haynes, Ted Jones, Pete Jones, Vic Lovegrove, Arthur Griffiths, John Kynaston, Michael Paddock and Nesta Clark seated. Maurice Walton and Dai Williams identify Mark Bevan, middle, seated. Standing, right - John Ogden. (Courtesy Margaret Lycett, Ruyton Revisited FB Group)

1994 Planning Applications following the purchase of the Ruyton Creamery site by Pentons Cold Storage and Haulage. (Courtesy Yoland Brown,,

1995 Dairy reunion of lab and office staff at the Wynnstay Hotel, Oswestry. Left to right back row: Colleen Edwards, Jean Birch. 2nd row, Brenda Jones,Dorothy James, Chris Rogers, Joan? 3rd row, Mary Burgess nee Humphreys, Kath Scott (nee Foulkes), Valerie Keeler. Front row, Dorothy James, Joan Keeler, Norma Brayn, Brenda Jones.(Courtesy Margaret Lycett and Val Lythe, Ruyton Revisited FB Group)

2004 Ruyton - a little accident nearby, believed to involve the car of a Ruyton Creamery employee. (Courtesy Yoland Brown)

2004 Ruyton - Doctor's Meadow after house building (Courtesy Yoland Brown)

1996 Dr's Meadow houses, opposite Ruyton Creamery. (Courtesy Yoland Brown,,

2023 Ruyton Creamery Site

2023 Ruyton Creamery Site

2023 Ruyton Creamery Site

2023 Ruyton Creamery Site

2023 Ruyton Creamery Site

2023 Ruyton Creamery Site

2023 Ruyton Site (Tour courtesy Luke Penton)

2023 Ruyton Site Cheese Grading room (Tour courtesy Luke Penton)

2023 Ruyton Site Cheese and Packaging Store (Tour courtesy Luke Penton)

2023 Ruyton Site Cheese Store (Tour courtesy Luke Penton)

2023 Ruyton Site Cheese Store (Tour courtesy Luke Penton)

2023 Ruyton Site Boxed Cheese Store (Tour courtesy Luke Penton)

2023 Ruyton Site Boxed Cheese Store (Tour courtesy Luke Penton)

2023 Ruyton Site Old process area (Tour courtesy Luke Penton)

2023 Ruyton Site Location of old pump starters in process area (Tour courtesy Luke Penton)

2023 Ruyton Site (Tour courtesy Luke Penton)