1970 Announcement of the death of Tom Penfold, previously manager of South Morden Processing.
1970 South Morden Loading Bank. Raffaele Ralph Phillips comments "2 years into my 5 year apprenticeship, the vehicles still in the navy blue colour with the royal standard on the driver's door of the units." (Courtesy Bill Rudd, Merton Historical Society)
1970 South Morden Loading Bank. (Courtesy Bill Rudd, Merton Historical Society)
1970 Profile of TGWU London officers with Express - Alf Dishman (South Morden Processing) (Express News Spring)
1970 South Morden Processing 'Back in the News'
1970 South Morden Processing 'Back in the News'
1970 South Morden Processing 'Back in the News'
1970 South Morden Processing 'Back in the News'
1970 Jock Carter - South Morden Processing p
1970's Dawson bottle filllers, before the changeover to 'pintie' bottles
1970's Raw and pasteurised Milk holding tanks, each holding 2000 gallons
1970's Alfa-Laval UHT plant destroyed at South Morden. Philip Boyd comments "I saw the aftermath, it happened during the night. It was a build up of condensation in the heat exchanger plates. It went through the plate glass windows overlooking bottling hall." (Photographer Sam Jones)
1970's Alfa-Laval UHT plant destroyed at South Morden. (Photographer Sam Jones)
1970's Alfa-Laval UHT plant destroyed at South Morden. (Photographer Sam Jones)
1970's Alfa-Laval UHT plant destroyed at South Morden. (Photographer Sam Jones)
1970's Alfa-Laval UHT plant destroyed at South Morden. (Photographer Sam Jones)
1970's Alfa-Laval UHT plant destroyed at South Morden. (Photographer Sam Jones)
1970's ? South Morden Road Reception Bay (Courtesy Dave Fane)
1970's "Battery of five aseptic Tetra Pak filling machines at South Morden - 450 gallons per hour each" Joe Taylor comments "Second operator from left looks like Frank Heath, I remember those days-splicing the paper, checking the sealing strip, the white painful hands from peroxide sterilant and the jammed paper with resulting flare ups". (Courtesy Lindsey Cannon)
1971 'Carry on Talking' managers meeting held at South Morden Processing
1971 Lab Technician Pat Coe presenting a painting the the Express Dairy Chairman
1971'Mac' Sennett, manager at South Morden Processing, and a management get-together in South Morden's visitors room, with Ernie Pugh (Shirley Manager), Denis Avins (Sales Promotion), Len Thompson (Morden Retail Manager and Dickie Herbert (Upper Norwood). (Express News Summer)
1972 South Morden Loading Bank. (Courtesy Bill Rudd, erton Historical Society)
1972 Tale of two packs - Selfpack line at South Morden with Tony White
1972 Tale of two packs - Selfpack
1973 Claire Johnson of South Morden laboratory after 30 years service
1973 'Mac' Sennett explains bottle scanners to apprentices
1975 Reg Ford MMB Tanker LPC 579P at South Morden, Milk Reception Bay (Courtesy Brian Colman)
1975 Mary Reeves - Canteen Superintendant visits
1975 Mary Reeves - Canteen Superintendant visits
1976 Processing Director Keith Sanders with Allen Sheppard of Grand Met
1977 South Morden Night Engineering Shift
1977 South Morden Night Engineering Shift
1977 South Morden Night Engineering Shift
1977 South Morden fitter Terry Dickenson on night shift. (Express News Christmas)
1977 South Morden fitter John Murphy on night shift. (Express News Christmas)
1977 South Morden fitters Alec Houghton, John Murphy and Terry Dickenson on the night shift. (Express News Christmas)
1977 Reg WLW 904S returning to South Morden
1978 South Morden visitors room. Many people will remember the illuminated panel on one wall. In this picture Peter Roper is standing, with his first wife Jane and her cousin and family.
1978 Harold Burfield, retired driver from South Morden, used to load coke into one of these Sentinel Steam Wagons
1978 Reorganisation of Processing Centres in London 2
1978 Reorganisation of Processing Centres in London 3
1978 Reorganisation of Processing Centres in London 4
1978 - Reorganisation of Processing Centres in London 1
1978 - South Morden unloading bank (John Wakely, Flickr)
1978 - South Morden loading bank, weighbridge on the right (John Wakely, Flickr)
1978 - South Morden loading bank, weighbridge on the right (John Wakely, Flickr)
1978 Peter Roper's office when he was first appointed Project Manager, and Mac Sennett was still processing manager. Later, the previous visitors' toilets were converted into a new office for him, and his secretary, Monica Smith.
1978 South Morden re-equipment project - role of project leader Peter Roper
1978 South Morden re-equipment project - role of project leader Peter Roper
1979 Milk Reception bay before construction of overhead gantry. I think George Parker in the white hat.
1979 old rail siding after track removal. Used temporarily as a car park before conversion to lorry park
1979 Preparation of old rail siding for car and lorry parking. (Picture from Sam Jones via Geoff Smith)
1979 Preparation of old rail siding for car and lorry parking. (Picture from Sam Jones via Geoff Smith)
1979 South Morden-new bulk detergent tank installation. Peter Roper comments "I think John Tait, Project Engineer and Tony Evans, both in white coats". (Photographer Sam Jones)
1979 South Morden-new bulk detergent tank installation. (Photographer Sam Jones)
1979 South Morden-new boilerhouse construction, new boilers in situ. The centre section of the rail siding became the new engineers workshop, and the dairy end was the insulated ice tank.(Photographer Sam Jones)
1979 South Morden-new bulk detergent tank installation. (Photographer Sam Jones)
1979 South Morden-new bulk detergent tank installation. (Photographer Sam Jones)
1979 South Morden-new bulk detergent tank installation. Chris Burton and Peter Roper by the main entrance. (Photographer Sam Jones)
1979 South Morden. View looking North along the side access road adjoining the London Transport sidings. The old boiler chimney awaits demolition. (Photographer Sam Jones)
1979 rear car park and old forklife charging lean-to during the re-equip project. (Photographer Sam Jones)
1979 Bottle, stillage, pallet and crates stored temporarily stored at the rear of South Morden site, in front of the old vehicle workshop. (Photographer Sam Jones)
1979 View looking South from South Morden Dairy roof, with the old boiler chimney yet to be demolished. (Photographer Sam Jones)
1979 View looking South from South Morden Dairy roof, with the old boiler chimney yet to be demolished. (Photographer Sam Jones)
1979 The old and new boiler chimneys side by side, with Morden South station behind. (Photographer Sam Jones)
1979 South Morden main vehicle entrance, canteen and stores block on the left, loading bank on the right. (Photographer Sam Jones)
1979 Busy scene in the front yard at South Morden, with materials and contractor's hut temporarily located before the new cold store and loading bays were constructed. (Photographer Sam Jones)
1979 Busy scene in the front yard at South Morden, with materials and contractor's hut temporarily located before the new cold store and loading bays were constructed. (Photographer Sam Jones)
1979 South Morden main entrance and loading bay. (Photographer Sam Jones)
1979 Busy scene in the front yard at South Morden, with materials and contractor's hut temporarily located before the new cold store and loading bays were constructed. (Photographer Sam Jones)
1979 Condensers and evaporators on the dairy roof at South Morden, above the ammonia compressor room. (Photographer Sam Jones)